How to Eliminate Plagiarism on Blurt

in plagiarism •  3 years ago  (edited)

How do we Eliminate Plagiarism on Blurt ?

The answer is very simple.

If you suspect someone of fraud, theft or plagiarism here on Blurt Ask them very nicely to prove that the work is their own.

Be kind and say something like.

Wow very beautiful work. On Blurt We like to verify that any work shared here is actually owned by the blogger or that any work includes a citation with a Source Link. Also you could verify the content by adding a Link to another Social Profile, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and include a Blurt Logo on that Profile. Thank you.

If It is determined with 100 % certainty that content is being stolen then the upvote button would be removed from that Blurt Blog.

Very Easy.


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Whatever it takes, without any attempt to hurt people, it is important for plagiarism to be stopped.

Asking nicely helps. It's more effective than throwing shades at someone based on mere suspicion

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I learned a very useful trick early on before I started any of my projects. Pick a image that is unique and can be identified as you or your brand. The more it stands out the better. Use it for your main online profile picture on all social media, and never change it.
I hope this info is useful. Namaste 🙏🏻

very good. If BLURT also manages the plagiarism problem, I really think Blurt will have a bright future.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It's good to see a conversation about the subject. I wrote about it almost a month ago and didn't get any answers. Now I see Blurt full of posts offering simple solutions. If it's that easy, why the problem is still there?