Physics is not what you think it is

in physics •  2 years ago 

This isn't just about hidden tech.
This isn't just about hidden science.
This isn't just about fraudulent fake science.
This isn't just about creating useless zombies.
And then killing them.
This isn't just about total full spectrum control of the planet and life.
This is about hiding the one thing that would save us all.
By weaponising it.

The biggest secrets are not the zero point energy and electrogravitics. It's the science of consciousness. All their communication systems are moving through the consciousness field and are thought actuated. The CIA call it WSFM: weird science and freaking magic. The transdimensional interstellar technology will benefit humanity. There has been tremendous disinformation, the media is keeping secrets with the government. These are lethal vicious people and i'm focused on exposing the extraordinary technologies that they want to keep secret. No aspect of life on earth will be unaffected by it.
[direct video link]

I find the con of so-called trans(sub)humanism pathetic as it is largely predicated on a narrow materialist view of humans. If humans are machines - even complex machines made of lots of tiny molecules - then machines can be fixed, machines can be improved, hence we can build better man-machines.

To see how truly, deeply pathetic that is, let's use our imagination faculty. We build cars so we don't have to run that fast. We build planes so we don't need to fly. We build computers so we don't need to calculate that fast. Does that mean we are worth less than a car? Worth less than a plane? Worth less than a computer?

Would it not be better if we actually could run faster than a car, fly higher than a plane and calculate faster than a supercomputer? Wouldn't that be super-fantastic?

Are we inferior to a goldfish because we cannot breathe underwater? There are so many things we cannot do. There are so many things we would like to do, that we should try to build a machine that does them all - except it won't be human.

This is the con of materialism as it plays on our sense of vision. At the same time, most people seem to have no clue of all the things they can do, if only they'd try. Most people seem to know less than zero about how even the smallest part of the universe works. I say "less than zero" because so much boneheaded nonsense must surely count as a negative.

I'll tell you a secret: physics has not been a materialistic science for at least the last 150 years.

Even Newton's theory of gravity postulated a gravitational field - spooky action at a distance. We've known about this spooky action for millennia: magnetism. But little of it was understood or articulated until Maxwell's equations of electromagnetism. Even then, the magic of EM was shoved back into its bottle as the equations were simplified and the theory of thermodynamics (steam engines) was used to disqualify results that looked fantastical. How many scifids have you seen quote the second law of thermodynamics as proof of the non-existence of zero-point energy?

What could have been a glorious 20th century turned into a fucked up mess. Instead of abundant clean energy from the universal vacuum we got nuclear power and weapons. The minds of the masses were enclosed inside 19th century thinking of scarcity, work and wars.

Anybody who reads about the work of Tesla and still believes that mobile phone signals do not affect life must have some cognitive defect. I assume you are aware that humans produce electric and magnetic fields - their absence is usually a sign of death. I assume you have heard your phone pulsing when near a speaker. Small secret: it is doing that all the time. I wish people would hear the clicks - would drive them insane after a short time.

It is all too easy to call it "cognitive dissonance", but that involves two ideas straining to occupy the same headspace. But that isn't what seems to be happening. It seems to me that propagandist bullshit trumps actual knowledge; but for that to succeed, I would say the person has not understood what that new knowledge actually is. It is not a clash of two truths, it is the clash of a firm belief bludgeoning a new misunderstanding. More cognitive blindness than dissonance.

I don't see any thinking taking place at all. If there were then one would have doubts, one would articulate questions and use some critical thinking to weigh up the two truths. It is possible there is a third higher truth that encapsulates both, or one of them is wrong - even both of them could be wrong.

But to waste away the human faculties of intelligence, cognition and perception is, and continues to be, a pathetic waste of life.

What would the current cohort of human beings do with the new knowledge that could become common knowledge soon? Would you really prefer to waste your life in an ersatz space when the real humans can fly for real? Because to waste it is precisely what is being done now by the abhuman creatures trying to control your life - and mine.

How do we know any of this? Firstly, look it up, do your own research, you'll appreciate it more. Secondly, do the practical stuff - experience is the only teacher.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It's all about energy, vibrations and frequency. Tesla was on to it, that's what made him a threat to the materialists. Consciousness is also about energy, God, the universal consciousness, uses the laws of physics to make the universe operate. This is ultimately what my book is about.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Whether you consider something to be true or false depends on your assumptions. It is not that they are not thinking, but rather that their thoughts follow from logical steps that are based on false assumptions. One big assumption is that what you and I see, cannot possibly be true. It's really hard to let go of that one.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Wake up ! .... Euphoric chrome optimism ,.. object tell me ,. the ideas tell you how they wanna be ,.. object tell me !

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