De Broglie Hypothesis & Matter Waves

in physics •  9 months ago 


Let us learn the De Broglie hypothesis and matter wave.


De Broglie hypothesis and matter waves :

  • De Broglie hypothesis state that the matter consist of both, particle nature and wave nature.

  • De Broglie wavelength (λ) is given as λ=h/p => λ=h/mv,
    'h' represents Plancks constant,
    'p' represents particle,
    'm' represents mass of the particle,
    'v' represents velocity of the particle.

  • From the above equation relation, it can be said that the wavelength of the matter is inversely proportional to the magnitude of the particles and linear momentum.
  • The De Broglie hypothesis is applicable to both Microscopic and Macroscopic particles.

  • The De Broglie is one of the equation that is used to define the wave properties of matter.

  • Electromagnetic radiation exhibit dual nature of both particle and wave.


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