Hey guys I was just going through some old blog posts from 2019 that I'm reposting to steemit for some extra earnings. They seem to like the posts as I'm up-voted like fifty bucks a month there. I plan on selling that tiny income stream once one a month and buying blurt with it and I don't fault others who to do the same. Earn anywhere....and buy blurt with it, hard to argue against that in my honest opinion.
I still believe Blurt has some serious potential, as there are a growing number of people wanting to see this place do well. Furthermore it's not uncommon for that fifty bucks a month to be worth more like 500 bucks a month a year or two from now. I'm quite certain the crypto market as well as the Blurt market is searching for a bottom here, or may have already put it in.
Also with the suppressed price there is less activity on Blurt, so I also think this is a good thing to spend a little time and share these photos from my past travels and help keep this place alive.
So I may start sharing photos over here from time to time and write something fresh to go along with it as Blurt is where I'm invested in more ways than one. That being said most of these photos have never been seen by anyone here and they have chunks of my life held within them.
I've been to well over 50 countries and experienced so much. So It's really cool for me to revisit these photos as each one brings me back to a place and a time.
So with no further adoo...Here are some photos I took from the cable cars in Phu Quoc Island on my way to one of the largest water parks in the country. We had a lot of fun that day. Life has been very good to me and I hope it's been good to you as well!
Thank you for checking out this post and supporting my efforts here on Blurt.

I've just upvoted @world-travel-pro's content.
That looks like an awesome ride on that cable car nice views.
Yes it was...but certainly not for people with a fear of hights!
I can imagine how sweet the view will be from the sky. It looks nice
You have recieved a coconutty upvote! 🥥
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Keep up the great work!
Curated by @outofthematrix!
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