Learn the benefits of bamboo

in photography •  4 years ago 

Hi all bambo lovers,

Bamboo is a symbol of good fortune in Chinese civilization. Planting bamboo around or inside the house is their tradition but Bengali is very sensitive about bamboo. Don't go near bamboo easily, but don't look at the planting of bamboo.

  1. Planting bamboo at home preserves the natural balance. 2. The green color of young bamboo keeps the eyes fresh and softens the nervous system. 3. This color is very useful for the cerebral cortex and retina . Bamboo is also a type of tree. Bamboo also releases oxygen to purify the air. 5. The tree is hollow inside and hard outside and resists the negative energy. . Flowers in bamboo trees in 35-120 years. This flower is a symbol of good luck. Changing the color of bamboo according to the season keeps the mind fresh by removing the monotony of the house . . Planting bamboo inside the house resists evil forces.

    Thanks All bambo lover.
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