The Saris Freedom SuperClamp 2-Bike Hitch Rack is not cheap but we needed it to haul our electric bicycles
The Saris Freedom SuperClamp 2-Bike Hitch Rack folds down when not transporting the bicycles
The Saris Freedom SuperClamp 2-Bike Hitch Rack opens up when ready to load the bicycles
We had to buy a separate set of larger wheel holders for the FAT TIRE BIKE The Saris Freedom SuperClamp 2-Bike Hitch Rack comes with the smaller wheel holders
Here is the larger wheel holder for the FAT TIRE BIKE The Saris Freedom SuperClamp 2-Bike Hitch Rack comes with the smaller wheel holders
Here is the smaller wheel holder that comes with the Saris Freedom SuperClamp 2-Bike Hitch Rack
Here are the bicycles on the Saris Freedom SuperClamp 2-Bike Hitch Rack
We added tie down straps to ensure the bicycles stay on the The Saris Freedom SuperClamp 2-Bike Hitch Rack . These straps are not required but these are heavy bikes and we don't want them falling off.
Photos by SpinBunny
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Looks like this carrier could be a little hefter