My Christmas tree decoration was a little unusual this year.

in photography •  2 years ago 

I couldn't put up a tree this year, so I decided to decorate one out in the wild.

This is what I ended up with:
This was taken about noon, and the moon was mostly full. It looked pretty cool! With my wife in the hospital, this was the only Christmas tree I decorated....

This is what I started with:
Notice the near full moon to the left of the water tower.

Here the moon is pulled out alone:
This is when I decided to decorate.

I went behind the shopping center to "Golden Pond":
This is my quiet place, it gets me out of the city fast!

I tried a filter on my camera they call natural:
They claim it will give the proper color and lighting balance to a picture. I'm not impressed with the results. Color is way off, and the overall light levels are terrible!

Hope you enjoy this, as much as I have!

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Nice photo of the moon over the tree👍

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I liked it! Except for the filtered picture that was supposed to be 'natural'; that was just all wrong.


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Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @r2cornell-curate. También, encuéntranos en Discord

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Glad you liked my post, t he anks for the curation! My Linex OS won't run discord, sorry.


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Discord is a deep state honeypot anyway, that censors and shadowbans even your "private" conversations... definitely not a good idea!

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I avoid downloading unnecessary software, it has been so hard to get rid of tracking crap on this phone!


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I think all mobile phones are tracked, hacked, and surveilled 24/7. Everything you say within 30 feet of that thing is recorded permanently for later analysis and use against you. Probably the same with landlines nowadays! Although mobiles have cameras, extra mics, texting, and apps that add more layers of privacy loss. Big tech, govt, and hackers love those things. Smart devices are 1000 times worse yet. I have never had a smart device, and haven't used a mobile/cellular of any kind in a decade. They're convenient but we lived without them for thousands of years :))

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes, I've written about this before. That's why I put my phone inside a white noise case at home. I carry the is s one in a case where the mic is covered too, no reason to make it easy for them.

When the Unix phones become a little more functional, I plan to trade up. They have mechanical switches on the mic, camera, and GPS main power circuits...a feature I like! I plan to cut my mic on this one, and run only blue tooth. I always run through a foreign VPN, because I can!

They are pretty confused with me, they think I'm 30 years younger, and living in California....


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I( think those tactics actually just give us a false sense of security, so that we justify owning these spy devices that betray us and harm those around us. For example, if a device does into a faraday cage or bag, it stops transmitting for a while. Then when taken out of the bag, it catches up on missed time and sends all the data it would have sent. So at best you are just delaying the damage it does. The only way to truly reduce the damage being done is to not allow them anywhere near you. I won't let anyone bring a device onto my property. I do not have any wifi signals or bluetooth anywhere. My PC has no cameras or mics, and uses a hardwired ethernet connection. My private files are not stored on a computer that ever goes on the internet. We are still being watched and listened to in other ways... but like you said, why make it easy for them?

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I removed apps, one at a time; until I lost function on the phone. Restored that last app, so it bairly functions. By using duck duck go to search, and by disabling reporting; they don't get enough information to begin a data base on me. I'm sure the VPN I use helps further confuse their database dreams.

One other thing I do is sign up for things, using these places to enter bad data; forcing them to keep track of many different 'me'. When data is hand entered, they must assume it to be correct information. So far, I've been born in every state in the union, and I'm 25 to 90 years old, male and female, and every race I can think of!

GIGO (garbage in garbage out) is an effective defense.
