The smile of a Kid's is more beautiful than the smile of Deepika Padukone.
The face of Kid's is more innocent than the face of a Mad Man.
The body expression of Kid's is better than the expression of Lady Gaga.

Our beautiful nature is always a very good model for our photography. So that, the maximum time we try to capture the beauty of our nature, but I found the Kid's are the best model for our photography. A beautiful capture from our nature just can fascinate us for a while, but a beautiful capture of a child can make you laugh, can change your mode, can make you active, can inject purity into you.

By this time how much curious, we are in our regular life, but you will find the ocean of curiosity into the eyes of each and every child. The eyes of this cute girl always inspired me to be curious in my real life. No curiosity is the full stop of learning, full stop of learning means full stop of your self-development, you will remain the constant in your whole life.

The kind of expression, no photographic mode can show such kind of expression like this cute boy. I just told him I want to take a picture of you, he got ready for this position, was really very amazing.
The innocent looks of this boy, always teach me to become innocent like him, he always teaches me if you become innocent like me, there will no enemy of you in the whole world. His two eyes always try to inject purity into me, my blood becomes affected by the various poison of our society, culture, and negative thinking. Maybe those things are very powerful than the injected purity of this boy.

We always wish If I have the childhood once again. Maybe we can't re-modify our physical structure, but we can modify our mind, our thinking, our attitude, and our behavior like a child. If we successes it will be the best achievement for our life.
Thanks for being with me.
Every photo is taken by Author himself.