I was walking along a snowy cliff edge when I fell and was confronted with a large grizzly bear, standing inches from me. We were nose to nose and I was frozen in shock when the bear stands on his rear two legs to reassert his dominance. The bear then looked over at my hand, anxiously gripping the edge of my snow dusted camera but when the bear realized I was trying to take photo he fell back on to his feet, giving me a big lick and inviting me to his cave to take photos of icicles and have a glass of hot chocolate. Just another day in Canada!
This photo was shot at 1/200 F5.6 ISO 200 in raw format, in my opinion the aperture was a little fast, blurring some of the details on the end of the icicle. Tried going back to take another shot but my puppy had eaten it before I could.
Wow.... it is luminous....
Watch out for Grizzlies up there.