Spring's Whisper

in photography •  20 days ago 

(Effect by DeepArtEffects)

Sunbeams dance upon the leaves,
As winter’s grip begins to ease.
A gentle breeze blows through the air,
Carrying whispers of spring to share.

 The path ahead is long and winding,
 But hope and joy I’m always finding.
 With every step, the world anew,
 Awakenings in shades of blue.

The forest floor is bursting bright,
With colorful blooms, a joyous sight.
Violets peek from verdant ground,
A symphony of color all around.

 The birdsong fills the morning light,
 A joyful chorus, taking flight.
 A melody that fills my soul,
 As springtime takes its sweet control.

Assisted by https://gemini.google.com/.

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