in photography •  2 years ago 

Good evening and greetings to all of you, so tonight I want to share some of my pictures.

The name of the flower is Senecio vulgaris, or the Indonesian name for grass flower. This flower has its own beauty from other flowers, I found this flower in the rice fields where I happened to also want to find photography objects.


Ops, my friend, tonight I also want to introduce myself so you can get to know me. My name is Fajarsullivan and I am the second of three children, I am 26 years old. I have a very good mother in my opinion, my mother is about 56 years old and I also have a father but my father died in 2020. After my father died I along with my brother named M.Riski looked for work to get money to survive but thank God even though we only work intermittently but we and our family never feel hungry.


Okay, that's all I can say in this post, I hope it's useful and thank you.

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