Setting daily goals and added more photos for my journal

in photography •  3 years ago 

The weather is terrible as I'm writing this post, it's been raining since this morning. It's a good thing that I managed to go out for a walk before the heavy rain. So, the past 3 weeks of good weather is about to change now? I hope not, I still enjoy a bright warm day and of course, take some photos for my journal.

With my best effort, I try to set a goal for myself. It's usually a list of 3 things for me to achieve in a day. It could be a simple task or a complicated thing to do. The difficulty of the task doesn't really matter for as long as it gets me a sense of achievement.

And within my list of daily goals, I always include photography for my journal. And if you checked my daily activity of posting, I've failed on many occasions. It's not something that I feel good about but it is what it is. I just have to make it up on the next day's goal. I think that anyone who wanted to do this kind of routine should be prepared for mishaps or failure to achieve some of the tasks. You should not feel bad about it. Instead, aim to redeem yourself on the following tasks or on the days to come.

For today, here are the photos that I took using my phone.



Have a great day!

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