Morning dew & tiny flowers for my phone photography journal

in photography •  3 years ago 

Somehow, I find that I'm not having enough time in a day to complete the tasks that I needed to accomplish. I guess I'm loading myself with so much work to do. The other reason is that may not be efficient enough with the way I work. I've been working late in the past few days that I'm having strains on my back. It feels awful but it gives a sense of achievement every time I get my tasks done before I go to sleep.

However, there has to be a limitation to how far are you going to push yourself to the limit.

"Rich people don't sleep eight hours a day. That's a third of your life. You cannot be sleep eight hours a day."

I agree with what Steve Harvey say but it's not something to taken literally. If I were to interpret this quote, if it's necessary to sleep less to accomplishment the tasks that are needed to be done then you shouldn't the day ends and not accomplishing it. And then allow some time to rest and get yourself energize for the upcoming tasks. Your priority is still your health and you shouldn't take it for granted.

Also, you find time to do some of your hobbies. In my case, photography is my escape away from my busy lifestyle. So, whenever I go for a walk then I would make sure to shoot some photos along the way. Here are the photos I got for today.


image_50434817 (1).JPG


Have a great day!

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