Finally I see you.

in photography •  4 years ago 

It is a small experiment in creativity, you choose a word, search a free resource site for the image or photograph that results in a list, and then write a short narrative about it.

The word chosen was: Dramatic


Source: PxHere

I don't have a job where I get a lot of strong feelings or big tokens of gratitude, I'm just a simple average computer technician who works sub-contracted for an installation and service company.

I'm not even one of those who killed themselves studying to achieve something great with their lives. I never felt the encouragement or desire for anything other than vegetating in the world and spending my time playing a video game.

If they paid me to play a good enough salary so that I could live on that I assure you that I would not think about it and take that job, but unfortunately, although there are players who can live off their skills in games, I am quite mediocre, or when I have a good day, I am hardly an average player.

My work is not bad, I do not complain, it leaves me sad for a long time and I do not have to move much from my area of ​​residence. It doesn't pay much, but it is enough to live and pay the bills, with that it is enough to play during my free time.

However, it can always happen that an event that changes things enters one's life.

I will not say that it was something terrible or a moment of epiphany, but rather it was an event that could be said to be everyday today, but I think it affected me in a way that I did not expect.

They sent me to do a review and possible repair of an apartment equipment in my locality, when I arrived, the owner of the place turned out to be an elderly neighbor that I have known since I was a child, not that he is a close friend of mine or of my family, but if he is an old acquaintance.

I went to his house and after preparing my tools, I went on to disinfect my hands again and began to review the configuration of his personal computer. It was not right in a couple of details and I fixed them in a few moments.

The old man told me that his son, who lives in another country, had been writing to his cell phone repeatedly, but since his cell phone is an old model with which he feels comfortable, he has no way to put video applications on it, so he cannot see what It's what your child insists so much on showing you.

He poured me a tea and sat near the team, he seemed like a nice guy. Everything is in good condition as I believe, so I told him that if he wanted he could connect it at once. He asked me to do it and in the meantime he wrote a text message to his son to let him know that they were repairing the computer and that they could see their faces, if it was very urgent they could see each other now, because despite the time difference they were not at times that were inconvenient to communicate.

I was surprised when when I connected, the incoming video call notification was immediately given, that makes it seem that things are serious or that what is going to be notified is very important. I stepped aside and told the client that they were calling, he sat down and confirmed the activation of the video call with me so as not to make a mistake and ruin something.

When they connected, their son looked quite happy, I began to collect all my equipment, it was not necessary for him to use it, also, I would not want to be around if it is a personal matter or an intimate matter of his family. The son was quick and told him that he had a good surprise for him, that he had not wanted to tell him by text message or simple voice call, that he wanted him to see it.

The son's camera moved and what came into focus was a young woman holding a baby in his arms, small, slightly pink, with awake and curious eyes.

"Your grandson, my son. He was born before the date, the delivery was at seven months, but he is healthy and we are already home"

The old man was excited, with one hand he covered his mouth and with the other he touched the screen. I think his son was worried about the silence, but when he focused his face again to speak he saw his father's expression and understood.

"We are fine, everything went well and as long as the international flights are working again we will find a way to visit you. I promise"

In the midst of this situation, the old man was not able to detach himself from the screen, he stayed talking and forgot that I was still in his apartment. Well, I don't have any other services today, but I'd rather be taking me so I can go home to play.

I don't know what part of the conversation affected me, but I listened to them talk for a while and suddenly the son noticed me in the back of the camera, asked his father to let me go and laughed a little while apologizing and asking me sorry.

The old man laughed a bit embarrassed, he opened the door for me so I could go and offered me that he would later transfer a tip for the inconvenience, I accepted that without arguing, thanked me and left.

Walking home I felt an emptiness, a question was born in my head: what am I doing with my life?

I have no answer, but this time it is disturbing me, maybe it was thinking that I have no children, I am young, but the years go by. Perhaps it was the realization that I had distanced myself a lot from my family because of my way of being and my discouragement. It may be due to a sum of factors, but whatever it is, I don't want to go on with my life until now.

I want something else, I still don't know what it is, but I feel that if I try to connect with my family again, if I look for some improvement courses to raise my level of training and maybe achieve a better job, I might get an answer or at least a way to be able to respond to myself.

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