Backup of Data and Keys

in photography •  4 years ago 

It is a small experiment in creativity, you choose a word, search a free resource site for the image or photograph that results in a list, and then write a short narrative about it.

The word chosen was: Ipad


Source: PxHere

  • Are you really still with that? - Lan asked me without hiding her expression, which had an uncomfortable mixture of intrigue, surprise and mistrust.
  • Yes. Give me a moment and I think I'll finish loading and updating the data. - Bet's response was quick, simple and direct, without explaining or justifying anything.
  • Good, but if you start digging to make a shelter I'm going to worry. - Lan went to the kitchen while joking.
  • I have not reached those extremes. - Bet Sige writing and comparing the data in the paper notebook, in the electronic device and in the portable terminal.
  • For now. - Lan insists, but it doesn't seem as funny as I would like to make it sound - Can I make you something hot to drink while you finish?
  • Yes please. - Data comparison progresses fast and everything seems fine - I'm almost done.
  • Do you really have to do those things? - Lan is in the kitchen, but since the house has an open structure on the entire ground floor they can see and talk to each other without problems.
  • I think it's for the best, it's a security measure.
  • Yes, but it is like too much "Security Measure" if you compare it with simply making a backup of your information in different electronic terminals or remote hosting - Lan's voice shows a touch of concern.
  • You know I have, but this is an additional measure.
  • That is why I am concerned, it seems to me that you are very obsessed with backing up the data, as much as to make a record on paper, in a disconnected terminal and in all the sites that the rest of the world usually uses.
  • It's not that bad, besides, it doesn't take me long - Bet already finished and was closing the notebooks and turning off the devices.
  • Your tea is ready - Lan returned, thanks to the new generation appliances, making a couple of cups of hot drinks could be done in just under a minute.
  • Ok, put the cup on the table, please. - Bet was keeping the notebooks in a small metal box, the electronic device had a separate compartment inside the box, it was designed to avoid that if it presented a spill the compartments would flood all together. - As long as I put all the things in the box I'll take it and we'll go out.
  • All right. - Lan did not argue, as a sensible person she already knew that this was not a matter of negotiation, but that was notifying and tacitly asking for understanding and collaboration. Lan didn't have much of a problem with these little things, but as a rational person was concerned that it would escalate the situation and lead to strange behavior.
  • Closing. - Bet finished putting everything, the notebook, inside a plastic case with pressure closure; the electronic device, with a solid state battery resistant to chemical spillage and a manual power generator for emergencies. The edge of the small metal box has a semi-rigid rubber seal and is watertight by locking the lid.
  • You already seem a bit "Preper" - Lan said almost to himself a comment about Bet's actions and referred to the people who were preparing in their present time for the "future, imminent and inivitable collapse of the known world"
  • I think that's not the right word and I also think I'm not exactly that. - With the metal box already closed, he took it to the cavity of the wall and left it inside a niche that was hidden when closing, that is an additional protection resistant to fire and floods, inside a main pillar, for what was expected that even if the house fell, it would be the last thing in the structure to fall.
  • Let's go. Lan was on his way to the door and Beth was following him.
  • Sorry to slow you down. - Bet whispered under her back. Beth knew that her repeated behavior of backing up her accounts, IDs, and their passwords on paper and unconnected devices very frequently seemed like a compulsion and if Lan weren't so patient, then this situation would be considered very annoying.

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