Earth is beautiful but have you seen Jupiter ?

in photography •  2 years ago 

NASA Releases Intriguing Images of Our Vast Galaxy

What a Wonderful Cosmos ….

Photography from the James Webb Space Telescope.

This is Jupiter.

Sure, you’ve heard that Jupiter is the largest in our solar system. But the pictures you’ve seen before don’t tell the whole story. NASA’s Juno spacecraft collected data on a 5-year trip in 2011. It came back with more than three terabits after a 1.7-billion-mile journey.


Mercury is Pretty Glorious


Stephan’s Quintet (below)

These five galaxies are called Stephan’s Quintet. Four are grouped together in a glowing, dreamy cluster. They are 290 million light-years away from us, which is considered close by scientists….


A Supernova Remnant

Every once in a while, stars explode and die. NASA found this blob in our galaxy from a massive, ancient event. They named it SN 1006, and it was likely the brightest explosion in human history. In the year 1006, this supernova lit up the night sky. All over the world, this event was recorded…..



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