Photography of sweet pumpkin!

in photography •  3 years ago 

Friends, a few days ago I went to the vegetable land in our village.Because in the village we have a land to cultivate vegetables.Every year we try to cultivate some vegetables on our land.Because we can get fresh vegetables from the land.

So, this year we planted several vegetables on our land.One of them is sweet pumpkin.This year my father and my uncle planted sweet pumpkin seeds in the land.So now there are many sweet pumpkin trees in that land.So, one afternoon I went to that sweet pumpkin land.Originally I went to visit the vegetable garden of our village.Then I entered the sweet pumpkin field.

Then I entered the sweet pumpkin field and saw the sweet pumpkin trees.I saw that there were some sweet pumpkins in the trees.There I saw sweet pumpkins of different sizes.I saw some sweet pumpkins are big.Again some sweet pumpkins are small.Again some sweet pumpkins are growing.The trees also have sweet pumpkin flowers.

The sweet pumpkins there looked so beautiful.The color of sweet pumpkin is very beautiful.I was really fascinated to see such beautiful sweet pumpkin.It is really amazing to see such a beautiful colored sweet pumpkin on the ground.It looks really amazing.These are gifts from the great Creator.These are natural medicines and natural products.

Then my mind wanted, I will take some pictures of these sweet pumpkins and share them with you.Then I took 12 pictures there.I took pictures with my used smartphone camera.I shared the pictures with you here.In the pictures you can see sweet pumpkins and sweet pumpkin flowers.I hope you like these pictures.

Some talk about sweet pumpkin (মিষ্টি কুমড়া)


This sweet pumpkin is a popular vegetable in Bangladesh.A large number of sweet pumpkin trees are cultivated in the agricultural lands of our country every year.In addition, many people in our rural areas plant sweet pumpkin seeds in their hone backyards.By cultivating sweet pumpkin, farmers get more profit in a short time.Friends, hhis sweet pumpkin is a very beneficial vegetable.This sweet pumpkin contains many nutrients and vitamins.Specialist doctors recommend eating this sweet pumpkin.Because it is a natural product and natural medicine.It can be cooked and eaten in different ways.So let’s try to eat sweet pumpkin every day.

All pictures captured by me.
Device: Walton
Model: Primo N4
Lens: 3.62mm f/1.8
Location: Tangail, Bangladesh.

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