Pictures worth a thousand words ...

in photography •  4 years ago 


Are we simple travelers within an Universe without limits? Like me and my buddy GandElf sometimes are? In search for the magic spectrum of this thing named Life? Its own sacred maze?

Does #blurtlego #photography meaning anything to the most of #blurtians or the primordial idea of the word lego does not mean anything to anyone, especially as a form of artistic expression?

I've thought always that ne photography can be worthing a thousand of words, especially though our times we live in right now, when everything started to be taste differently, like for example, a song must be "heard" through a cool video, therefore, it means the visual esthetic means much more than the actual creative sound of the artist ... a fruit will be consumed, like after a subliminal commercial would kick the brains of those who are sitting in front of their tv's and without that confirmation through that commercial, they wouldn't know that the actual lemon would be healthy not only for its vitamin C ... and the story might last forever with all these weird subliminals through which the brain is confronting every milli-second :)

As i've mentioned above, this story somehow will be dedicated to some of my #blurtlego stories, which were created during the most precious times spent with my children.

Therefore, while it's Winter, i've thought that everyone would like to live in a hut like my buddy Hagrid has inside the secret forest from Hogwarts area.

Image 2020-06-16 at 00.30.03.jpeg

As we can all notice, these days, everyone is searching that escape through the portal of Nature, and Mother Nature is always there ... and hopefully it will remain there ...

Maybe there will always be a Mother Afrikya that will guide us during our tress-passing through the secret Portals ...


Hopefully, everyone will find its own escape and the secret ingredient that will lift his spiritual life and will help to find that Portal through which they will find the happiness ...


Like my buddies, Jedi Yoda and Master LukArt are doing most of their time, even through a boat trip on the vast encrypted ocean within this Matrix.

Sometimes, we might think if these #blurtlego minifigures are having a soul or not, when in fact they do as long as WE still have the sacred imagination left within our Temples, named bodies within this Matrix.

Hope you all have a splendid time, wherever you are on this planet.

Enjoy some of my #blurtlego photos.

Regards #blurtians

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