Our breathtaking safari at Wadi Rum, Jordan

in photography •  4 years ago 

It was literary breathtaking and I am going to tell you more about it now... So sit comfortably, grab your favorite drink or snack and enjoy my short travel story.

It all began with a short bus trip from the pick-up location at Aqaba, that beautiful sea city of the Kingdom of Jordan where we were resting for the nights.

Even at the bus I was able to tell we're going to see amazing views.

Once we arrived at the safari company camp, we were seated on the back of big SUVs. Six of us on each car, waiving at each other impatiently.

At Aqaba it was rather warm, despite the fact is was late January. Initially it looked very warm at the desert too:

Riding on the backs of our mechanical horses, stunning views appeared in front of our sights:

Sometimes it was quite challenging to take a good photo when the car is jumping on the desert road and your shoulders are touching those to your friend seating next to you...

Our first stop was near a scenery cliff, a very steep one, covered with very fine sand that felt almost like a dust.

Let me warn you here. Take a wind-proof jacket and take care to protect your expensive photo and video equipment by the sand/dust as the winds are very strong here. Three cameras have passed away at that place, all making their owners a bit sad, despite the beautiful experience. I couldn't breath for few seconds, just because of gusts of the strong winter desert winds.

On... to our next stop. By the way, the head scarfs are an absolute necessity, they protect surprisingly well!

What you see below to the left-hand side are the tents of a luxury desert camp where one could spend the night under the twinkling stars and meet the new day.

Yes, Wadi Rum, or a.k.a. Valley of the Moon, isn't what you expect to see when you hear "desert"...

Riding passing by a cliff I was able to capture one of my favorite sun diffractions. It wasn't easy, trust me :)

At out next stop we had the opportunity to ride, touch and enjoy the company of few camels.

No parking meters here, LOL.

Getting on the back of a camel for the very first time appeared to be a big challenge for the most of my friends:

Of course, such fun:

The local guys were very polite and more than happy to help everyone ;)

The Sun hiding behind few puffy clouds, drawing such an amazing pictures...

Desert art and tea time with the Bedouins.

That tea, prepared on charcoals was one of the best I've tried:

After a short rest, mainly from winds and sands, our next goal was to find a good spot to photograph the sunset.

We checked few locations our hospitable hosts showed to us.

The Sun began quickly going down. Magnificent views for us.

Finally our group was happy with the sunset location :)

We were seated first row for the show:

And a bit lighter photo so you have an idea about the landscape around...

Interesting thing I noticed in the desert. Once the Sun sets, the temperature drop rapidly. From hot to cold in few seconds, literary! Anyway, a great end to this glorious day was the dinner. Delicious food, cooked for several hours in huge earthen "ovens" buried deep under the sands.

We were all overwhelmed and happy of that colorful emotional day of Wadi Rum safari... Thanks so much, Delta Tours - Bulgaria, for bringing us all to this unforgettable photo-tour!

Thanks for your time!

Copyright: Damian Hadjiyvanov, Light Captured

Check out my photo site: https://hadjiyvanov.com/

For licensing my photos, please drop me a message on Discord: lightcaptured#2698

Thank you for all the support!

Have a great photo! :P

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