"Okra Plants".

**Galaxy M20**
okra plants
It is a kind of flowering plant. This plant is a plant we all know. We eat the raw fruit of this plant as a vegetable. This plant is called okra . But it is also known by another name vendi.
The plant also has a scientific name, Hibiscus esculentus, also known as a botanical name. This okra plant is widely cultivated in India and Bangladesh. The result is that our two Bengalis are very dear and love to eat.
These okra fruits are eaten in different ways and are very tasty to eat. We can eat this fruit boiled, then fried, then cooked in a variety of vegetables. However, these okra fruits are great to eat fried.
This fruit is good to eat in its raw state, when it is more ripe, it is not good to eat anymore, it becomes fibrous. This okra plant is a perennial plant. These plants are abundant in the tropics. The fruits are long and slippery inside the fruit.
The leaves are long and wide. These okra plants can grow up to about 1 m tall and the leaves can grow up to about 10 cm. The leaves of this plant are divided into several parts. The flowers of the okra plant are broad and the petals are white-yellow mixed in color.
Inside the petals is a red anther and its petals are 5. Small animals like bees, butterflies etc. extract honey from the pollen of this flower. These okra plants usually reproduce by seed.
When the fruits ripen, they become abundant seeds and later the seeds are collected for cultivation. The seeds are usually soaked for a while and then planted in the field when they germinate.
By producing these oaks, the farmers always get huge benefits. Okra is a raw vegetable that is available all year round. Okra fruit has many kinds of nutrients that are very good for the body.