in photography •  2 years ago 


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Hello Fellow friends wherever you are, hopefully everything is always healthy. Today I will post a very beautiful flower.

Halo teman di mana pun Anda berada, semoga semuanya selalu sehat. Hari ini saya akan memposting Sebuah Bunga yang sangat indah.

I am not an expert in the matter of interest, nor a scholar who knows many things about flowers, I just learn from reading, so from that there is not much I can tell about the interest in my post this time, I hope next I will be more understand and understand about the various flowers in this country, and understand the natural language contained in it, and take a lesson on the flower. such as the philosophy of interest and its benefits.

Saya bukanlah seorang ahli dalam hal mengenal bunga, dan juga bukan seorang sarjana yang mengetahui banyak hal tentang bunga, saya hanya belajar dari membaca, maka dari itu tidak banyak yang dapat saya ceritakan tentang bunga pada postingan saya kali ini, saya berharap selanjutnya saya akan lebih memahami dan mengerti tentang berbagai bunga pada pelosok negeri ini, serta mengerti bahasa alam yang terkandung di dalamnya, serta mengambil pelajaran pada bunga tersebut. Misalnya seperti filosofi tentang bunga serta manfaatnya.

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Nature is one of the best teachers in life if we can take lessons from it...
**I realized it from the heart, and went to create a more beautiful feel in sight...

We must give thanks to the Lord of the worlds, so great is His power and grace. We must take care of plants, take care of nature, maintain beauty and sustainability, do not destroy it, and never destroy its beauty.

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Photos taken on my post this time using Poco X3 NFC camera phone. It may be heartwarming when you see it, and hope you like it.

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