📷Pickleball between the snacks including a stinky one+ Video | 吃小吃(包括臭的)之间打匹克球+ 视频😎(by @ace108)

in photography •  yesterday 
Going to a new place to play pickleball last Tuesday. I bought a snack at a food stall at Toa Payoh bus interchange.

🎶Meanwhile, some music for you to enjoy as you read. This piece is part of Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons, particularly the first of the 4 violin concertos, called Spring.
🎶让大家继续读的时候,欣赏一点音乐。这件作品是维瓦尔第的“四季”的一部分 - 4小提琴协奏曲中的第一首,名为“春天”。
Source | 来源: https://musopen.org/

(Unsupported https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/303622945&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true)
Source | 来源: https://musopen.org/music/2213/antonio-vivaldi/the-four-seasons/
I started to eat as I waited for the bus.

On the bus, I saw some guy drove his classic Mercedes out. Bad news for him because he had a tow truck waiting in front.

I got off the bus outside St Patrick's School as what Google told me. Unfortunately, the main entrance was a long walk away.

Must be at least 10 minutes before I reached the main gate.
我至少要走 10 分钟才能到达正门。

There was some kids training for football at the field.

Went looking for the courts but headed the wrong way.

Asked around and turned back to go to the right building.

The entrance was after the building.

After a frw flights of stairs, I found the place and joined the training.

After playing between 7pm to 9pm, I took a bus home. Decided to stop by the night market outside the library.
在晚上 7 点到 9 点之间玩完后,我坐公回家了。决定在图书馆外的夜市停下来。

Walked past some claw machines.

Found the stinky tofu stall which had moved away further from the library building.

They had a combo meal with soya milk drink but I just got one bowl of stinking tofu which already cost me $7.
他们有一份套餐包挂豆浆饮料,但我只点了一碗臭豆腐,已经花了我 7 元。

The tables nearby were not crowded as it was already quite late.

So I went there. Set down my bowl。

And enjoyed my stinky dinner.

Here is a video I recorded.


Please see my other posts: @ace108
请看我其他帖: @ace108

I See👀. Shoot📷. I Blog it👆😎

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