📷Lunch at Coffee Bean | 在Coffee Bean吃午餐😎(by @ace108)

in photography •  2 years ago 
Last Monday in December, my wife and I were working from home and I suggested we go Coffee Bean for lunch because I saw they have this $10.90 for 2 sets on a weekday.
十二月最后一个星期一,太太和我都在家工作。我建议去Coffee Bean吃午餐因为之前见过这在$10.90的两人餐。

🎶Meanwhile, some music for you to enjoy as you read. This piece is part of Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons, particularly the first of the 4 violin concertos, called Spring.
🎶让大家继续读的时候,欣赏一点音乐。这件作品是维瓦尔第的“四季”的一部分 - 4小提琴协奏曲中的第一首,名为“春天”。
Source | 来源: https://musopen.org/

(Unsupported https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/303622945&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true)
Source | 来源: https://musopen.org/music/2213/antonio-vivaldi/the-four-seasons/
On a Monday afternoon, the place had all their tables occupied and we had to wait quite a while before we got a table.

Then I went to order and paid for the meal and brought the buzzer to the table.

At the table, they told me we have 60 minutes dining duration based on the receipt time. You better serve us fast then.
在餐桌上,他们告诉我,根据收据时间,我仅有 60 分钟的用餐时间。 那你还不快点为将我们的食物准备好?

We got our turkey ham and cheese croissant with hash brown soon enough with a latte. Won't mind coming back again for such deals.
还好不久后就拿到了火鸡火腿和奶酪羊角面包配土豆饼和拿铁咖啡。 下次有这种促销也不介意再次回来。

Please see my other posts: @ace108
请看我其他帖: @ace108

I See👀. 
Shoot📷. I Blog it👆😎

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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