📷Mui Kee's first day before Deadpool & Wolverine+ Video | 妹记第一天后死侍与金刚狼+ 视频😎(by @ace108)

in photography •  16 days ago 
Went to Mui Kee

A bit early and they still had a few unoccupied table. It was their first day at the new location.

Ordered a claypot rice and their celebration special porridge

A cup of water cost 50 cents.
一杯水要 5 毛钱。

The porridge which my wife and I shared was quite good.

The claypot rice looked different from the one I had elsewhere. They didn't use the dark sauce but used soy sauce instead.

Had a tao suan for dessert.

Went to the counter to paid after eating.

Cost about $44 for the dinner.
这顿饭花了大约 44 新元。

Then headed upstairs to the Lido cinema and watched Wolverine and Deadpool. Not the best choice. I just had free tickets and popcorn and chose this instead of the other kids theme movies because it was school holidays here. Don't expect a great story but if don't mind sitting through watch two guys beat up each other and other people accompanied with old pop music, then watch at your own risk. Cannot believed it still had a rating of 8.1 at IMDb. Too much movies about this universe and the multiverse and actors saying shit verse nowdays.
然后上楼去了丽都戏院,看了死侍和金刚狼。 这不是最好的选择,我只是有免费的票和爆米花,因为现在是学校假期,所以我选了这部而不是其他的儿童主题电影。 不要指望一个好故事,如果你不介意看两个人和其他人在伴随着旧英语流行歌曲的情况下互相殴打,那就自己承担风险吧去看吧。 难以置信它在 IMDb 上居然还有 8.1 的评分。 现在关于这个宇宙和多元宇宙的电影太多了,演员们就在电影离说些废话。

Here is a video I recorded.


Please see my other posts: @ace108
请看我其他帖: @ace108

I See👀. Shoot📷. I Blog it👆😎

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