On a day I went for a second interview for a job in the morning….

Went to Nando's at Plaza Singapura for dinner recently with my wife. It was a Monday but there was a queue. Went to join the queue.
最近和太太一起去狮城大厦的 Nando's 吃晚餐。那天是星期一,但那里排了队。我也去排队了。

Waited quite a while before we were led in to table 13.
等了好一会儿,我们才被领到 13 号桌。

Looked around for a while when the lady was deciding what to order. One good reason I was there was the 25% discount.
太太正在决定点什么菜,我四处看了一会儿。我去那里的一个好理由是 25% 的折扣。

Yuzu lychee bliss and an egg tart for the lady.

I was having a pot of chamomile tea. Got to do some work to make the tea which is fine. Cheers. To a good night sleep.

The lady got her quarter chicken with potato wedges

I got my two quarters with chargrilled vegetables.

Good enough to finish everything

Now. Remove all evidence.

Dinner cost more than $32. Thank goodness for the discount.

Here is a video I recorded.
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