The Reactions of Child

in photography •  3 years ago 

Hi friends!! How are you? I am well Alhamdulillah. Hope you are doing great. You know I always try to bring something different photography blogs. Today I also bring a different photography blog about some unknown childs reactions.
This childs name is Roksana, she is about five. I was passing her with my camera then suddenly I had focused to her and you can see this tiny girl trying to make her prepare for the photo.
Here Roksana was trying to give a pose like her favourite cricketer Rubel. She was trying to through her hands in the air but you can see my camera wasn't able to take that motion.
This girl didn't tell her name after asking a lot. She was so shy that when I have turned to her she was laughing with shy. The thing attracts me a lot that she was trying to climb up but when she looked at me she was astonished what to do immidiately.
Her smile with all of her white broken teeth is really so pretty. 😍

I hope you guys enjoyed my photographs. Please keep supporting with upvote and comments. 💓

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

How do you create posts with pics now?