Peking duckling rearing procedures // Tata cara pembesaran anak bebek peking

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Peking duckling rearing procedures

It is undeniable that the community's need for the availability of animal protein is increasing from time to time in line with population growth and awareness of the importance of health.

One source of animal protein comes from poultry, especially ducks or ducks, both in the form of broiler ducks and laying ducks. Various types of superior ducks are widely cultivated in Indonesia. One of them is Peking duck.

Before cultivating Peking ducks, let's get to know more about this type of poultry. Peking duck is a broiler duck originating from China. Unlike ducks in general, Peking ducks are superior quality ducks with dual functions. Besides being a producer of meat, he can also produce eggs.

It has a white color like a swan, a large body and is more resistant to disease. The advantage of keeping Peking ducks, because in about 2-3 months they have reached a body weight of 3-3.5 kg. The market potential for duck meat and eggs is quite high because the meat is tasty, tender and soft.

Of course with a fairly high nutritional value. In addition, Peking duck is resistant to all weather, requires less water than other types of duck, has a more uniform shape, yellow carcass color, the meat is not tough and easy to process.

Peking ducks are able to live in simple cages or by exposing them to feeds that are easy to find such as worms, bran, rice bran, and other plant residues and are non-cannibalistic.

Peking duck maintenance is not difficult. Some important steps that must be considered are: seeds, cages, feed and health.


Selection of seeds. DOD (Day Old Duck) is a duck breed that is between 1-7 days old. DOD can be purchased from suppliers or hatched yourself. The distance between the cage and the supplier must be taken into account. If it's nearby, buy a 3-4 day old DOD. But if the age of DOD is between 6-7 days. This is to minimize the death rate of ducks due to stress on the way.

A good DOD feature is that it is not disabled with a shiny yellow coat color. Other features: the duck's body looks straight, has a good appetite, has a lot of activity and moves swiftly, weighs about 40 grams, has clear eyes, is free from various diseases.

The cages are divided into 2, namely box cages for maintenance from DOD up to 3 weeks of age and rearing cages. Box cages can be made of boxes with a ram or wire floor.

Inside the cage it is necessary to put a heating lamp with a power of 10-25 watts depending on the ambient temperature of the cage. Enlargement cage, when the ducks are 3 weeks old until harvest. These cages can be in the form of postal cages, ren or half open cages and cage cages or cages on stilts.

Each cage has advantages and disadvantages. To maximize meat production, you can use dry cages with a postal system or litter. The capacity of the 1 meter cage can include 12 ducks ready for consumption.

So when you start breeding, you can measure the area of ​​land and the ducks you want to keep.





Health Control, should be a concern so that the ducks stay healthy. Do periodic and regular checks. Some diseases that often attack ducks and how to overcome them: a) Lime stools, marked by duck droppings that are green with white spots. The cause is the bacterium Salmonella typhimurium.

Overcome it by giving sulfa, nitrofuran or other antibiotics mixed into the feed; b) Ducks are paralyzed, caused by consuming expired and moldy feed, and being too often in muddy soil.

Overcome it, by swallowing small chunks of ice cubes on Peking ducks; c) decreased appetite, overcome it by giving one liter of drinking water mixed with 2.5 ml SOC prebiotic and vitamins; d) throat disorders, usually caused by worms that stick to the throat. Overcome it, by taking the worm using tweezers and throwing it away. Next, give the drug Tetrachlor or worming specifically for poultry.

That's a bit of how to cultivate Peking duck livestock. It should also be understood that the cultivation of broiler Peking ducks provides more profitable results, choose male ducks because the growth rate of male Peking ducks is faster than that of female ducks.

Follow @meurah-darmafarm

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