Shackled minds - Rise of the dumb phone (part 4)

in phones •  2 years ago 


I first wrote about entrapment via smart phones 6 or 7 years ago.

You may note my 3 dumb phones, I actually have 4, the three pictured are new old stock, the other I use when I go out.
Why the Nokia at 24 or so years old? Well I had one free at work when I was Land Rovers head of parts quality engineering back in the day, once I dropped it on the metal stairs leading down from my office to the factory floor, it smashed into 4 or 5 parts - I picked it up, put the battery back in, put the front and back on and hit the power button and it came back on totally unscathed, not even a scratch. Imagine doing that with a smart phone.

Over the last decade the move towards smart phone payments, smart phone drivers licenses (like in Australia) and smart phone ID is what gave rise to WEF attending politicians thinking they could roll out a green pass for the mRNA but combined in with the other 2 above and much more, it is though backfiring in spectacular fashion.
I have always noted the resistance among elderly people as they like big buttons, easy to read numbers and care not for the internet; But the youth movement towards dumb phones is something new, and unexpected by big tech and governments.
The printing of a green pass is costly, inefficient, requires staff, printers, paper etc so logic dic-tated the use of our own phones to trap us with a rona pass with added GPS, allegedly smart phones not being off even when turned off and mix in the track and trace in the UK and here where I reside and you have a con-trol grid that people willingly downloaded to ensnare themselves, 12 million did so in the UK.
Italy and Greece only started relaxing their no pass no entry yesterday after huge protests by people who were dining in the street with picnics to protest restaurants not letting them in without proof of being mRNA injected.
Not only there, many countries.

I digress.

This trend of dumb phones over alleged smart phones is nothing new, I will prove it with some articles below.

2018 a particularly good read.

Also 2018

For parents.

  1. The rise of the dumb-phone movement.

A snippet if you will from the article above.

"The popularity of dumbphones, the cheaper and no-frills alternative to smartphones, continues to grow. The minimalist phones reached over a billion total shipments last year, while smartphone sales declined 12.5% in 2020 and hovered at 1.4 billion in 2021. The dumbphone hype has grown thanks in large part to TikTok and relaunches of feature phones such as Nokia’s 3310 handsets. As attention spans decline and privacy concerns worsen, the consumer demand for simpler devices could spread to multiple industries."


You can buy 20 or more dumb phones for the price of 1 easily broken not so smart phone.

If 1 Nokia has lasted me two decades and still works, yet every smart phone I buy on average lasts 2 years or less the question arises do I even need a smart phone, my answer is a resounding NO.
With no smart phone it encourages me to take my digital dslr camera with me & that weighs more so keeps me fitter, it makes my attention span grow as I have to be aware when dining not to leave it behind, I get better pictures and do not have to spend hours touching a screen trying to adjust settings for a photo that never seem to make any difference anyway.

Phone payments.

That was something people also seemed willing to take part with via downloading apps, I am happy to state that is in massive decline here.
Even the cashless tills in supermarkets that were put in in 2020 are being ripped out as nobody wants to use them, plus the queue to pay with cash was getting longer, so yes, they are removing them.

This article plays into my final series post about hope for the future, it shows people are not stupid, have noted they are getting trapped into a cashless society via mobile phone, and are pushing back.

Have a superb day and get a dumb phone and set your spirit free, do as I do, not as I say.

Have a simply fantastic day ahead, make it a good one.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Good ole Nokia hard-phones! I also have 2 dumbphones - fk spyphones.
Here they switched off 3G just to piss off most farmers, I suspect. Force them to buy new kit.
For the purposes of "keeping in touch" makes sense, can buy a dumbphone for $10-15 - use it like a better two-way bleeper - remember those!?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes I do, impossible to turn off 3g here as places like my farm cannot even pick up 4g let alone 5g, no towers near by, too many trees and 2 feet thick brick walls :-)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'm looking at getting another dumb phone very soon.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I would bro, makes life much easier.

So glad to see that people are returning to dumb phones. Smartest thing people can do. Hard to roll out the next stage without them. I have a Kyocera flip phone myself. I have never had a smart phone. Never will. Would rather go with out first like I did most of my life.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes it is nice to see, who needs to carry around a bugging device, bit like taking Alex everywhere you go, insane.

I went into the phone shop 3 weeks ago to get me a dumb phone. The woman (young girl really) had no clue what I meant hahahaha. I edumacated her. Been living with NO PHONE for about 2 years at least now. Fuck smart phones and the raft they sailed in on.
QR codes - fuck them too.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

haha great post again man, just read this morning when looking at my feed, wholy shit it must be long time ago when I lastly have done that before ;)
Only scammer and hacker need a smartphone (maybe the politicians also so one can track them better, for finding them and nailing them on a big tree hehe), imagine you have all your private keys in your "smart phone" and you lose it when your abroad, how will you change all the account-keys asap when you not have your laptop or a computer with all them by your side ???

Oh yeah some would like to answer but I can´t communicate with my buddies on APPICS (or so) but hey there´s app´s for your computer where you can do that you don´t need a smart phone, save your money and go out with your beloved ones for a good meal ofr have some drinks with friends do it the old fashion way -try it and you will like it- trust me !

...and by the way this is only one of my old phones (got a lot of them) thus was the life savers when traveling in rural zones as head of a group of companies in countries like Italy, France, Spain and Portugal ;)


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Superb reply worthy of a post itself, thank you.