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in philosophy •  9 months ago 

Words written down in rules and mandates forced people in taking very unsafe vaccines .
Vaccines that killed and are killing right now .
When words become laws and rules based on lies and deceive .
When the soldier has to shoot , on a order , a command , a word .

As long as you can act in free will and all freedom on the written words , it does not matter what has bin written , how evil and inciting to violence it might be . The responsibility on how to act on these words lays with the reader .

Words written down as law and rules by authority that one must obey without question .
Where trough law and rules your free will and freedom is overwritten by words .
Words of man made law based on lies ,. constructed for someone's gain and profit .
Forced speech to me .

Free speech ,. the freedom to speak .
Forced speak from authority , speak demanding action of you without your consent .
Leaving you not much choice , obey or be forced . Is no free speak to me .
Free speech can never take my freedom to act away .

In the end , every individual is responsible for his own actions ,
no matter what words where read that incited the actions .
Even when authority words demand obedience , the individual makes the choice .

Words do not kill ,
But sometimes people kill under the spelling of words .
To believe what you read is all on yourself ,
Don't blame the words .

I sometimes wonder ,. if we humans could just not speak and write ,. just communicate on expression , signs and intuition ,.. would we be a more peaceful creatures ?
Probably not , and for sure even worse ,. so words , speech and communication are having mostly a positive effect on our evolution .

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In the end , every individual is responsible for his own actions ,
no matter what words where read that incited the actions .
Even when authority words demand obedience , the individual makes the choice .

I share this view.

The responsibility on how to act on these words lays with the reader.


But sometimes people kill under the spelling of words .

You mean under the "spell", correct?

When would someone state that he killed because having been under a spell? In what exact situation?

  ·  9 months ago  ·  

Someone taking no responsibility over it's actions , blaming it's actions , or justifying them , on written words from others . Someone like that will probably not state they killed because of a spell , for they are blind to the spell they are under . They really think the words they read justify their actions .

Situation ?

Think religion , holy books , for example .
Politics , government propaganda and on so .
We must defend the border just because the other side does the same .

Any situation the human becomes a useful idiot ,
and is in ignorance to this fact while doing the dirty works for an other .

If not ignorant ,. as in knowing the spell , stating it ordered you to act how you did .
Shifting any blame to the spell . That's low ,. that's evil .

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Someone taking no responsibility over it's actions , blaming it's actions , or justifying them , on written words from others . Someone like that will probably not state they killed because of a spell , for they are blind to the spell they are under .

That's right. Someone who kills another person would have to have a precise intention to kill. Nobody says: I, because I am under the spell of words, intend to kill another tomorrow/the next hour because of the spell I am under.

This means that someone who has no willful and knowing intention to kill is not a murderer.
Still, in Germany, we have the saying: ‘Stupidity is no defence against punishment.’

For example, if a woman, because a young, handsome and charming man asks her to quickly bring an important medicine to his grandmother in an old people's home because he is unable to do so and is in a hurry and has to catch a flight because he is urgently needed on an oil rig, and he gives her a hundred euros if she just quickly brings the medicine to his grandmother (which killed her), the woman is also guilty of murder and cannot go unpunished.

She might state that she didn't know that she fulfilled the mans intended kill, but the judge could say that she all too easily accepted the word from a stranger and that she was seduced by a.) his good looks and b.) took one hundred euro.

That's what I meant by an exact situation.