All We Can Do is "Our Best!"

in philosophy •  2 months ago 

There is an old saying that "the road to Hell is paved with good intentions."

I find that I end up applying it alarmingly often, in my life!

image Winter trees, near my house...

One of my intentions for 2025 was to find time to start blogging on Blurt, once again. And here I am, in mid-February, finally getting around to that.

I have come to the unsettling conclusion that modern life is a perpetually growing time sink, much like a black hole in space that slowly eats everything around it. Over time it may look the same, but because everything gets sucked into it, its mass slowly becomes greater and greater as time passes.

We have been sold the illusion that our lives are somehow better, but we somehow have to give up more and more of ourselves in service of both having and maintaining those "better" lives.

If that is the case, are those lives actually better?

image Near Joshua Tree, California

When I was a kid, one of the lifelessons passed along by my parents and extended family was that "we should always do our best."

A good and valid lesson, perhaps, but it might be tempered with the caution that sometimes our best may not be enough.

I wonder, enough for what, exactly?

Many people spend their lives in pursuit of bigger, better, faster, shinier.... success.

But what do those thing even mean, especially if you have neither time nor energy left over to actually enjoy them?

image A place to relax...

One of the reasons I gave up on the idea of making "New Year's Resolutions" was that doing so was inconsistent with the reality of often not having enough time to turn them into reality, while also recognizing that I can only do my best.

At life.

At anything.

So whereas I intend to find time to start blogging here on Blurt again, I can only do my best... whatever that might be, at any given moment!

Thanks for stopping by, and have a great week!

How about YOU? What does "doing your best" mean to YOU? Do you always do your best? Or does it feel like "too much" in our busy world? DO leave me a comment — engagement matters! Communities are built because people INTERACT with each other through the content that's created! This is SOCIAL media, after all. So share your opinion, be part of the conversation! I do my best to answer all worthy comments!

Sequence: 085 — Timestamp: 2025.02.10 - 10:22 PST

All content and photos by the author unless otherwise specified — this is UNIQUE content, created expressly for this platform. This is not posted on other sites.

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Hey, great to see you back on Blurt. It’s my favourite place to blog these days since I get everything downvoted to zero on Hive for 2 years now … with no reason or explanations ?????

So I’m not a big fan of Social blogging anymore … and I am trying to spend 99% of my time outdoors, camping, hiking, snow shoeing, skiing, in winter and kayaking in summer … I am posting all my Travels and adventures on the new

  ·  2 months ago  ·  

Thank you!

I guess I am at a point where I just enjoy the writing/journaling aspect of it... which was always what drew me, in the first place.

Hoping to find more time for Blurt.

Nice post and cool photos, really liked the whole thing, short but intense and really interesting.
You're very correct in my opinion, we try our best to achieve our dreams or whatever moves you, but time and energy is the price you must pay. Since nowadays all goes so quickly you won't be able to get them all done, most probably...
Frustration comes in scene then, dealing with this may be not as easy for some. Managing time and goals is the key thing while focusing on what really matters. However we are, somehow, slaves of the system that demands more and more every time...
I try my best to get my goals, but I'm paying the price... sometimes I wonder if it's worth.

  ·  2 months ago  ·  

Yes, it is definitely important to set priorities and focus energy on what is most important... I know for certain that I do not have time for all the projects I wish I could do something with.