People of a country because of language/////

in people •  2 years ago 

helly my all friends People living in a country speak different languages. In Bangladesh too Work. There are different languages. However, most of the people in Bangladesh are Bengali Lake. Speak the language There are several small ethnic groups in Bangladesh. | Answer: Those whose language and culture are different. People of a country because of language The difference between the lakes can be noticed. Marma and Chakma speak two different languages. So their culture is also different. About 95% of the people in Bangladesh speak Bengali. That is why they are Bengalis. This is in Bengali language I have mixed and assembled different languages. Therefore, some influences of other languages ​​have fallen on Bengali. In our culture, there are various festivals related to Bengali language. Such as- Baishakhi Mela, Nabanna Utsav, Halkhata for traders, boating, wedding ceremony etc. All people of Bangladesh, regardless of religion or creed, worship together. Fish (therefore, language has an important effect on our culture. Task 3: Describe the cultural diversity of people of different communities in Bangladesh. Although they are living, they are observing different cultural diversity in the north. Hindus are going to Bangladesh, so the people of Upada are living there. The people of Hindu community are celebrating their religious festivals like Durga Puja, Lakshmi Puja, Kali Puja, Saraswati Puja etc. The community is Muslim except for those whose religious practices, customs and principles are different from others.

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