Go Woke or Go Broke

in pathocracy •  2 years ago 

The commie College of Psychologists of Ontario is demanding that Jordan Peterson undergoes woke re-education.

Do read the current document of the pathetic nature of the "offences", none of which involve complaints about Peterson's practice as a clinical psychologist. What is at stake is his licence and continued ability to practice.

This is precisely the scenario that Lobaczewski spoke of in Political Ponerology: you know you live in a psychopathic state when every agency does the opposite of what it pretends to do.

In this case, JP's crime is giving public expressions to psychological positions that go against the woketard propaganda, and hence that such views have caused "offence" to a small number of snowflakes who - and you can't make this shit up - have their names redacted from public exposure, no doubt for further psychological protection of their eggshell ego. So any retard can make anonymous accusations and not be treated with the contempt they would normally deserve.

One of the agendas to create a thoroughly dysfunctional species is that of normalising the pathological, so that psychology, as a profession, may no longer be needed apart from dispensing whatever drug or treatment the maladjusted patient thinks is his right. We already have such creatures: psychiatrists.

Kafka was close, in The Trial, but Lobaczewski was spot on - in a book few have ever read.

Every single one of the people I talk to, virtually without exception, in Eastern Europe said something like: "Do you know what happened here between the end of the second world war and 1989, when we were dominated by the Communists? Do you know how awful it was here?" That was particularly true in Albania. "Do you know, you people in the west are walking down exactly the same road? What the hell is wrong with you!? Don't you notice?"

Mind you, we didn't see much bravery standing up to the kovid kommisars, in either East or West, or former Soviet bloc countries.

It seems a bit odd to be interviewed by your own daughter, but I assume nobody else really wanted to play that role; so we have a kind of Socratic video.

The introduction gets to the point.

If this is what's going on with colleges, and if they're controlling working professionals so that the working professionals have to work in a way that isn't truthful, how do you even fight? How do you fight back against that? At what point do you just stop playing in that game? When people have asked me that, "why don't you just give up your license?" and I would say, well because I wouldn't be giving it up, I would be allowing it to be taken away from me. If I decide in a year that I don't want to be a licensed clinical psychologist because the whole damn profession has become corrupt, that's a whole different issue than letting this pack of craven commissar cowards utilize the complaints of random people online to justify their own envy and desire to prosecute and then fold in the face of that opposition. It's like, I'm not going to do that!

The only thing you have in a complex situation is the truth - that's all you have. That's why you have to abide by the truth you know, because when things get complex around you, all you have there that's solid ground is the truth. So the reason you abide by the truth is so that you can say what you have to say about what you've done, and who you are, and you can do that under impossibly difficult circumstances and, possibly, that will sustain you through that.

Watch the part where JP describes some of the questions he submitted to the panel. In all cases, their blanket response was that "we don't have to answer that!" That's it. That's totalitarianism. In the woke west - what a pathetic species!

In a world engulfed by lies, the truth is drowning.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

more evil woketard shit for a frightened faked-up world

anybody who knows these creatures should help them achieve zero-carbon emissions and save humanity at the same time.

and even one relevant to the JP case: https://newspunch.com/lgbt-activists-facing-9-life-sentences-for-raping-adopted-sons-and-pimping-them-out-to-friends/

scum won't clean itself.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

clean the zcum


they may eat each other, but that's way too slow.
read those 2 gay psychos. just imagine being one of those kids.

Mainstream Panic Mode...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

klimate and kovid skams very similar.
fake tests to produce fake data then plugged into fake models to predict an alarmist fake future that is then used to kontrol and kill real people.
mmm... not sure about the "real" bit - that was said for rhetorical effect.

I did smile at that clip - the usual bombast that only "scientists" can read scientific papers. Some research areas do require some background, but much of the accepted fake science is so sloppy that they often make logical mistakes within their own papers - I've seen authors ignore their own fuckin evidence just so they can reach the conclusion that was paid for by their grant.

And read all the comments on the vid ;-)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

perfectly described.
most minds are so fucked they can't see it.
how is it possible? with billions of people?
not people, just sheep - violence - the ability to use violence works.
you wanna tell the truth - then you and your family die.
simple and brutal and effective.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  



  ·  2 years ago  ·  

unleashed ;-)