How to Patent your Invention and Design Idea

in patents •  2 years ago 

I have a few ideas for Inventions that could help a lot of people life off the grid.

Mostly Free Energy.

I have always wondered how to patent an Invention.

Do you know how ?

I found this page. I’m going to try submitting a few patents and see how it goes.


I will post my findings here on

Patent Your Invention

Prior to the creation of the U.S. Patent Office, in the mid-18th century, society had a problem; inventors weren’t disclosing their ideas. This meant that things weren’t advancing as quickly as they should. The Patent Office offered a simple solution; an inventor discloses his/her idea publicly and is given a 20 year monopoly on their idea. This instantly leveled the playing field. The little guy could do business with the big corporations. The most common use of Patents, still to this day, is for negotiating royalties with other companies.

The various forms of Patent Protection include:

Provisional Patent Application (Informal Application, United States):
A temporary, one year, simplified patent application, which allows the applicant to claim a date of filing and patent pending status.

Utility Patent Application (Formal Application):

An application for a 20-year Patent, which protects the function, method or use of an item. This is the most common form of patent protection for technologies, products and methods.

PCT Patent (Patent Cooperation Treaty) Application:

Known as an International Application, a PCT Patent streamlines the process of filing a Patent in up to 153 countries.

Design Patent:

Design Patents simply protect the ornamental or esthetic appeal of an item. Often used for decorative furniture, French doors or vases etc.




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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks. I’m going to try this too.


My issue is... When You patent free energy tech, You alert the psychopaths in control, who will swoop in and try to buy the patent to bury it. If You will not sell, They will set You up for blackmail, threaten You and loved Ones, ruin You or outright kill You.

Why? Because They know the intimate relationship between money and energy. Add free energy, and the need to account for the energy We're adding dissipates (100% of the cost of EVERYTHING is energy - the resources sit freely here on Our planet, but it takes energy to put them into useful configuration).

And money is Their foundational tool. It buys the things and the People They use.

And thus I recommend NOT patenting it, giving it freely to Humanity, and when We have free energy tech out in the open, not only will the psychopaths with most of OUR wealth no longer have a tool to buy what They do, but all of Humanity will live richly without worrying about money...

I offer a couple of short vids I have done that help grasp:

Is Money Evil?:

The Money Push:

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

The patent won’t be for sale. I just want to patent it so that the psychopaths ?? can’t steal it and make people pay for it.

Sadly, that is not how it works. As I said, when You patent it, You notify Them. And when They see a threat to Their power as is free energy tech, They will swoop in and if You don't sell, They will mess You up.

And specifically with free energy, if it is given freely to Humanity, what You will net in the end will have billions in value - to You and everyOne else. The wealth They hold for every One of Us in "trusts" will effectively be returned to Us... We ALL are multimillionaires, if not billionaires. See:


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Ok thanks. I won’t bother getting a patent. I will just create it and give it away for free. Probably only here on Blurt and nowhere else.

It's surely Your choice, but once free energy tech is out, and We can use it, the planet will shift away from accounting for Our energy. The More who have the tech, the faster it will be that Our planet is returned to Us.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Great post, thanks for posting it.

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