Has your e-mail account or password been compromised?

in password •  4 years ago 

I have came across a website that could be of interest for you: https://haveibeenpwned.com/

By just entering you e-mail address, you can know if your e-mail account has been compromised in a data breach.



Additionally, you can also check if your password has been exposed: https://haveibeenpwned.com/Passwords


*** Just in case, do not check your e-mail account and password within the same session. The site seems to be legit but it is just common sense not to both provide e-mail account and password at the same time. For example, check your e-mail account from your laptop and your password from your phone a few hours later...

Once said that...

If you are using one e-mail account to login into many sites and/or you tend to reuse the same password, be aware that if a hacker manages to hack into one site and get your data, this person may be able to break into many of your accounts.

Be aware and be careful, as a blogger you don't want to use hundreds of hours of your time building a brand or a name just to see all that hard work evaporate because someone managed to hack into one of your accounts and get hold to your (one-size-fits-all) e-mail or password.

Have you e-mail address(es) or password(s) been compromised?

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