Utopis Div Payout #1 - Hive passive income

in passive-income •  4 years ago 

Are you into passive income? I know I am and this is one of the many reasons I got into crypto was to find "penny" dividend coins that pay out on a weekly or even daily basis.

When it comes to the tribaldex aka hive-engine I can be sure to find a few known tokens like Bro, SPI and I am sure I am missing quite a few like LBI that is still in a build stage and hasn't paid divs yet.

This post I am talking about the @UTOPIS token that is run by @chronocrypto. Now I have followed Chrono for quite a while across many platforms so I can say he has the drive and I am happy to invest in his token.
You can find his Whitepaper here and it is quite the detailed paper so go read it and find how awesome this token is going to be.

Now I was a lucky one or some might say lucky (Should have gone all in HAHA) that I was able to grab my small 35 tokens at 2 hive each and they are now trading at 3.5 each and no one so far is looking to sell them any lower.



When it comes to divs they are already being sent out, The first div payment was for 2 weeks from my understanding.

div 1 utopis.png

Yes, you see that right, I was able to get 3.2 hive so about 1.6 hive a week, That is not a bad div payout plus the rise in price it will not take long to ROI.

Now My plan I think is to keep compounding the hive I earn in divs for 3 months as I hope to get close to 100 utopis before the price goes above 3.5 and I see that happening in a short time so I better get buying or I'll have to buy the dips.

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