A Dew-Covered Spiderweb

in panama •  2 years ago 

I recently came across this spider and his dew covered web one morning after sunrise. I thought it made an interesting photo - almost like the spider is floating in the air!




You can also see the profile of our volcano, Baru, in the background! It is the little things that we have to stop and take notice of. I try to teach my kids to notice small things like this, but sometimes it is hard with six of them - all with different personalities. When we go outside, some of them want to stop and pick the flowers, some want to run ahead, and some just want to yell!

I am always amazed at the beauty in God's creation around us here. I feel like every sunset is amazing. It feels like paradise here, and I think that's because it feels like every day is different, every sunset is different....every time I stop to "smell the roses," I'm reminded of God's blessings here!


We received a text message earlier this week that it would be possibly more rainy than normal due to a storm. Today did not disappoint...more than 4.25 inches and still going! Perhaps it will keep raining and be a great way to fall asleep - thankful for a roof over our head and warm beds to sleep in!

Blessings to you, friends!

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