Organic is dead - why you should charge for stuff

in opinion •  9 months ago 

Organic Is Dead



I already knew this before, but I learn't it yet again in a very real way recently. It is that the "build it and they will come" era is over. It is no longer true that you can build a following organically by just creating "good" products. A product may be anything of value that one offers to the public, either for free or in exchange for something - usually money.

To gain any traction at all, in these days, your product has to do at least one or two things - ease a pain or provide pleasure. Another way of saying "ease a pain" is "solve a problem", but it's important to emphasise that the "problem" needs to be a "pain". Pain drives people to do things that hardly anything else can. The same with pleasure. People with do unfathomable things just to get at pleasure.

This is why when you look at social media today, the content getting most of the traction does one of the two, or at least promises to.

Anyhow I have this youtube channel that I posted about on here, asking for subscribers to help reach 1k subs since that is the monetisation threshold on YouTube. It's one of the criteria required. The other one is 4k hours of view within 365 days. My channel achieved the second requirement, the views, primarily due to this video I made solving a problem for folks. I found a way to fix a broken Apple Pencil. It is an issue a lot of people have, and my video was able to resolve that for them.

In the video I asked people to help me reach 1k subs as a "thank you" if the video had helped and saved them money. Those pencils, like most Apple products, are overpriced so they're not easily replaceable by most people. As I write this, the video has nearly 40k views with literally thousands of comments of people emphatically thanking me for the video. However I'm yet to reach 500 subs! The video itself brought barely 200 new subs since the channel had nearly 300 subs prior.

Moral of the story, people do not care about you. People want to get their own benefit out of a situation and be gone. It's up to YOU to force people's hands to do what you want. It's not that people don't want to reciprocate the good deed, they just don't care enough. "somebody else will subscribe". Mind you, clicking a button doesn't cost a penny. If they won't do it for someone that's just saved them $100, they won't do it organically for anyone.

What should I have done instead? Well, I should have somehow only published half of the solution and then asked people to subscribe to see the rest. The pain of them needing to get the fix would them compel them to subscribe. I could have even charged a small fee, and people would have paid. That's just how things work in today's world. This is why you should never hesitate to charge people for stuff. If you give it for free, it will not be valued as much.

Peace & Love,


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The over selling is boring too and over saturated like click funnels and all these courses. I think there are too many ppl doint it and most are not making money from it anymore.

  ·  9 months ago  ·   (edited)

I’m prob not the best as I work a bit differntly to others but I never ever ever ever buy something I can’t get for free first. Like if a recipe costs I just don’t make it even if it sounds amazing. But if I make a few amazing free recipes I have bought the cook book or raw vegan cook book. I’ve never just bought something online for ages now without properly testing it first. I am more pulled in by the solution being given for free already but then buying it in a nice format that’s more concise format I can keep in the physical than watching tons of videos if it rly works for me. So maybe you show me a new spiritual technique I learn it all with you then you sell me a journal with daily exercises but I could do it myself still if I wanted that’s the kind of thing I buy rly. But that’s prob just because there is so much free stuff these days if there wasn’t I would prob buy the raw cook book upfront

  ·  9 months ago  ·  

Yeah you're definitely not the average Jane haha.

But also I think the type of video it is doesn’t encourage people to follow when I think about my own patterns. If I watch a video like that it’s because I want a quick fix I probably don’t even read the info. I think reviews, maybe people would follow more or if they came a few times, but I doubt people are going to follow a page where they just got a quick fix on A tech item. But you will get the views and it sounds like you did. I also don’t think anyone would pay for it because why would they pay someone for a fix when they don’t know them as well all the people I put to get free on the Internet that’s the problem there is so much for free someone has a really wanna buy it. I think ppl would more likely follow your crypto channel cause they are following you regularly