in openmic •  2 years ago 

This is my Open Mic Contest entry, I fully belong to Team Sparta.

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Some funny occurrences in life are hard to laugh at, some of these scenarios have proved to be the most hilarious of all things I’ve ever heard of. Some of them I was told, some were instances where I partake in them, and some came as a third party occurrence.

I’m here to give you a compilation of some funny things I’ve witnessed myself, first-hand.
The first occurred to me in my teenage years, then, my thirst for new set of things or new drink was high, I always wanted to taste, touch, and experience something new, this makes me lower my self-esteem for many things and its went bad one day. We went to greet an aunty for a week, while living there, my eyes caught this apple juice fruit in the freezer and wanted to have a taste of it at all cost. So, days after, I started stealing a little of it, little by little the drink started reducing but none knew at the beginning.

Days turn to a week and my stay was elongated, where I thought ill leave at the end of the week and won’t be there to take any blame even when discovered. By the next week, my aunt came to the fridge, saw the drink halfway done, and asked who did it, everyone denied including me. Then she told us the drinks was expired for months now and whoever drank it will surely be stooling soon. I feigned ignorance,

Nemesis caught up with me a day after, I started stooling and the whole house suspected me as usual, everyone was laughing as I went to the toilet severally. I finally confessed to my aunt that night and she laughed out loud. Told me it was the sugary stuff inside that gave me the pile, not the curse or the expiry date. She also told the house. They laughed at me so hard that day, I will never forget it.

The second came when I first brought my church girlfriend home and have to hide her because mum is around, I stuffed her into my cupboard and when mum came into the house, I don’t know how she did it but she suspect I was up to something. In n0 time she guessed I have either a friend hiding in the hose or a girlfriend. I denied it as usual and went on my roaming about the house.

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Mum went to my room and shouted at the girl…ashewo!!!! In a loud voice. The whole house came into my room and the our house went crazy. The girl left shamefully. But my sibling and my mum keep laughing at me till date whenever they remember the scenario.

Thank you so much...
I remain my humble self @Botefarm


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

😁😁😁😁 Nice one here