Beyond UFOs - The Science of Consciousness and Contact with Non Human Intelligences

in ofc •  3 years ago 


From a conversation with my friend Rey Hernandez !👍😎

In the following email tread, Rey refers to his book, which I have to admit, I have not yet red entirely. Only Chapter ONE which is available for free and which I am sharing with you. Here is the study-summary he talks about in the following conversation, as well as the scientific peer reviewed academic publication he mentions.







Link to said Book Chapter 1

👇 Study Summary Link to file (copy pasted down here(You can see the study publication further down there))👇

Summary of the FREE Academic Research Study

• The Dr. Edgar Mitchell FREE Foundation was co-founded by the late Apollo 14 Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Harvard Astrophysicist Dr. Rudy Schild, Australian Researcher Mary Rodwell, and Rey Hernandez, Ph.D. Candidate at the University of California at Berkeley.

• The Executive Director is Harvard Astrophysicist Dr. Rudy Schild. Dr. Jon Klimo, a retired academic professor of Psychology who taught Research Methodology for over 40 years to graduate students, was the Chair of FREE's Research Committee. The other co-chair was Dr. Bob Davis, retired professor of Neuroscience at the State University of New York and Rey Hernandez, Attorney, Experiencer, and Ph.D. Candidate at the University of California at Berkeley.

• FREE is comprised of 15 Ph.D. academic professors and 10 lay investigators.

• FREE is NOT a Ufology organization. Our mission is to research the relationship between Consciousness (the true nature of our multi-dimensional reality and how we as humans interact with it), and Contact with Non-Human Intelligence via the CONTACT MODALITIES.

• The FREE Board of Directors, as well as the majority of Ph.D. Parapsychologists, hypothesizes that all of the “paranormal” is actually “Normal” and that all of the Contact Modalities are interrelated. We call all of the ways that humans have pierced the veil and have had contact with Non-Human Intelligence the "CONTACT MODALITIES" which we define as: (Contact with: UAP/UFO & HICE/CE-5 communications, Near Death Experiences, Out of Body Experiences, Remote Viewing, Mediumship/Channeling/Spirit Communications, Hallucinogenic Journeys, Telepathic Communications, Orbs, and other forms).

• We hypothesize that all of the CONTACT MODALITIES, including UAP/UFO Contact, are inter-related phenomena originating from ONE source. All Contact Modalities involve a “manipulation” of Space-Time, a concept which is not clearly understood via modern physics. This in turn, lead the FREE researchers to hypothesize that all of these phenomena might be “Inter/Intra-dimensional” involving what is commonly called “CONSCIOUSNESS”.

• Over the last 5 years FREE has undertaken the world's first comprehensive, worldwide, academic research study on individuals that have had UAP related contact with Non-Human Intelligence. Before our research study, we actually knew very little about this phenomenon.

• We developed 700 quantitative and 70 qualitative open-ended questions administered via 3 online surveys. Dr. Jon Klimo, a retired academic professor who taught Research Methodology for over 45 years to graduate students, was the Chair of FREE's Research Committee, together with many other Ph.D. academics and lay researchers.

• The FREE Academic Research Study lasted 5 years. We spent one year developing the research methodology. We then spent 3 years disseminating our 3 surveys. Our research study advertised our surveys, over a 3-year period, to the following sources: Over 500 Facebook sites every 2 weeks, mailing list of over 5,000 names involving MUFON, the field of Ufology, the Paranormal, etc., more than 200 radio interviews by members of FREE's Board of Directors to Ufology and Paranormal radio shows. We then spent one year analyzing our data and writing 2 academic articles which were published in peer reviewed academic journals (Journal of Scientific Exploration and Journal of Consciousness) and published our 16-chapter, 820-page book titled “Beyond UFOs: The Science of Consciousness and Contact with Non-Human Intelligence”.

• After 5 years, we eventually received over 4,200 responses to our 3 English language surveys from individuals from more than 100 countries. Our Spanish language survey, still being administered, has over 850 responses.

• Many of our research findings contradict much of what is circulating in the field of mainstream Ufology. Why, because the necessary basic academic research was never undertaken. All we had were thousands of books written by individual experiencers about their own individual stories and thousands of interviews of individual experiencers who mainly derived their memories via hypnotic regressions, a memory collection tool which is very problematic.

• Our research study did not allow memories based from Hypnotic Regressions, Channeling, or Lucid Dreams, but only from Conscious Explicit Memories.

• I repeat, we are the only game in town-- no one has ever attempted to collect this enormous amount of data on UFO Contact Experiencers in a comprehensive and systemic academic manner, developed and directed by retired Ph.D. academics working with lay investigators, collected and analyzed almost 800 quantitative and qualitative questions in multiple topic areas never previously associated with mainstream Ufology. This is why the data collected contradicts much of what is circulating in Ufology conferences, radio shows, and mainstream materialist Ufology.

Major Research Findings

Chapter One of our book provides many more details and explanations to this very brief research findings. If you want to receive a FREE copy of our 120-page Chapter One, send us an email to [email protected]. Chapter One has data from our 3 surveys as of the February of 2017, before we publicized the results of our data. We publicized are data findings in May of 2017 and we continued to collect our data until May of 2018

  1. Even though initially 37% viewed their experiences as highly negative, eventually the overwhelming number of contact experiences concluded that their contact experiences are mainly positive, between 85-95% depending on the question asked.

• We asked the question of whether their experience was positive, negative, or neutral in more than 25 different questions. Below is a summary of this positive data:

• The overwhelming number of materialists Ufologist believe that all “Contact” are Abductions. This is FALSE. Abductees (individuals that have been forcibly taken to another location against their will) only accounted for one third of the Experiencers (Seen a UAP/UFO and also had Contact with Non-Human Intelligence). Two thirds of Experiencers have seen a UAP/UFO, have had contact with Non-Human Intelligence, but have never had an abduction. Thus, materialist Ufology is missing more than 2/3rds of all Contact Experiencers. Thus, the vast majority of “Contact” does not involve an “Abduction”.

• Of the one third that have had an abduction, more than 70% now call themselves Contactees and NOT Abductees. Initially 38% viewed their experiences as overwhelmingly negative because of the ontological shock of the experience. In their later contact experiences, 85-95% viewed their experiences as positive, even the vast majority that initially had an abduction type of experience. In fact, 70% of all Abductees do not call themselves “Abductees” but instead call themselves “CONTACTEES”.

• The vast majority of Contact Experiencers, both Abductees and Non Abductees, have had many contact experiences. 40% have had more than 20 contact experiences. Another 20% have had between 10-20 contact experiences.

• We also discovered that the more experiences you have had, the more positive is your opinion of these contact experiences. It is the individuals that have had less than 3 contact experiences, usually 1 or 2 abduction type of experiences, who are the ones that are traumatized and view these experiences as mainly negative (between 5 – 15% of all Contact Experiencers, depending on the question asked).

• Almost 50% of all participants stated that they “were brought to a "Matrix Type" of reality and received information” (Like Jodie Foster's Contact Movie). This was almost double the number of those that have had a typical abduction scenario. These experiences were overwhelmingly positive.

• Individuals have seen thousands of different types of Non-Human Intelligence “beings” even though we only categorized 12 different types in our quantitative surveys. As of May 2018, the date that we closed our surveys, the most common type was the Energy Being, seen by 56%, or 1,252 of all Experiencers and only 7% viewed this being as “Negative”. The Human Looking being was seen by 50.1%, or 1,047 of all Experiencers and only 5% viewed them as “Negative”. The Small Greys were the third most seen being at 49.4%, or 1,031 of all Contact Experiencers and only 11% viewed them as “Negative”. Chapter One provides the data as of February 2017. There is debate whether these “entities” are actually live entities, are holographic projections, or cloaked mental images projected to our Consciousness. At this point, we have various hypotheses but no one can be certain.

  1. While all of the Experiencers of our survey have both seen UFOs and have had various types of Contact with Non-Human Intelligence, the vast majority actually saw a physical entity, we found that the Contact Experience is overwhelmingly NOT a Physical/Material Phenomena-- instead, it is primarily a Paranormal/Psychic Phenomena. Both Dr. Jacque Vallee, Dr. Allan Hynek, Dr. John Mack, Dr. Edgar Mitchell and many others hypothesized this more than 30 years ago. Unlike previous research from Vallee, Hyneck, Mack, or Mitchell, FREE has actually confirmed this hypothesis with actual conformational data. For example for all that took our surveys, 95% have had Paranormal experiences in their home, 80% have had an OBE, 67% have received telepathic communications, 50% have received a medical healing by non-human intelligence, 37% have had an NDE, 60% have physically seen Orbs, almost 50% have been brought to a Matrix Reality, etc. Chapter One of our book provides many more details and explanations to this finding.

  2. The Contact Experience is an overwhelmingly Positive Transformative Experience. For the vast majority, you start as a caterpillar and finish as a butterfly, even though a small percentage are still traumatized by the experiences. Approximately 85% of the FREE survey participants, now more than 4,200 individuals from over 100 countries, have changed in the following ways: more loving to other humans, more ecological, less materialist, more spiritual, do not fear death, know the purpose of their live, are more consciously aware, less religious, etc. Chapter One of our book provides many more details and explanations to this finding.

  3. Contact involves a manipulation of Space/Time and this in turn leads one to hypothesize that this Non-Human Intelligence might be multi-dimensional. This was pointed out more than 40 years ago by Dr. Jacque Vallee (Astronomer and legendary UFOlogist), Dr. Allen Hynek (Astrophysicst at Northeastern), Dr. John Mack (Harvard Medical School Professor of Psychology), Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell (MIT trained aeronautical engineer and physicist), Dr. Rudy Schild (Harvard Astrophysicist), Dr. Claude Swanson (Princeton trained Ph.D. physicist), Dr. Dean Radin (Chief Scienct at IONS) and many others. This in turn, presents the hypothesis that this Non-Human Intelligence might in fact be multi-dimensional or that Non-Human Intelligence might actually be "embedded" in the very fabric of our reality. Our Volume 2 book will begin to discuss some of these possible theories of the relationship between Non-Human Intelligence, the manipulation of Space/Time, and the cosmology of the multiverse. We have two articles in our Volume 1 book, one by Dr. Edgar Mitchell and the other by Dr. Rudy Schild, that introduces these concepts which will be greatly expanded in Volume 2.

Rey Hernandez
JD, MCP, Ph.D. Candidate, University of California at Berkeley
Co-Founder, The Dr. Edgar Mitchell FREE Foundation
Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial & Extraordinary Experiences
FREE Foundation email: [email protected]
FREE Foundation website: https://www.Experiencer.Org
FREE Foundation website: https://www.ConsciousnessAndContact.Org

👇 Study Publication Link to file Or continue reading the publication here.👇




















































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I’ve defo spent a lot of time off this earth remember the Pleiades a lot and had several interactions in life ❤️🚀👽

Thank you @ultravioletmag for your comment and for opening up on the Blurt! You are part of Disclosure simply by Being You! Please continue! Happy OFC!!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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