Welcome now Janus

in occult •  2 months ago 

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Among the Greeks and Romans, the eagle was the appointed bird of Jupiter and consequently signified the swiftly moving forces of the Demiurgus; hence it was looked upon as the mundane lord of the birds, in contradistinction to the phœnix, which was symbolic of the celestial ruler.

  • From the book "The Secret Teachings of All Ages", by Manly P. Hall, 33rd Degree Freemason.

Recently while the world was distracted with the pagan holidays, a distracting bill declaring the "bald eagle" as the national bird of the USA, was passed among 50 others, under the radar of the public such as the hypocritical titled bill S.1351 - Stop Institutional Child Abuse Act. I think it means, institutional child abuse they haven't approved of.

When it comes to politics, everything they say has the opposite meaning. So I'm pretty sure what they mean by institutional child abuse is that not approved child abuse is to be "regulated". The Patriot act had nothing to do with patriotism. When it comes to politics, their words have no real meaning behind what they say on face value.

Likewise, this bill declaring the Bald eagle the "national" bird stinks of lies. Why? Because they want you to believe that the bald eagle and the phoenix of which they truly admire over are one in the same.

Well what crazy idea that may be right? I must cookoo to think of such nonsense?

Or maybe I am not that far off.

Their symbolism runs deep and it is hard to tell, for me anyways, what they really mean. For now I see their symbols and hidden messages for what they are in face value. Only when events come to pass that sync with the hidden messages do we get to say, "told you so". But really it was them saying told us so.

"Told you so that we were going to get our way against you all. And no matter what you do to counter it, we do it and there is nothing you can do about it slave!"

The "govern|ment" will never tell you that the eagle on your bills is not an eagle at all. A little research would take you quickly to find out that it is not eagle but a Phoenix. So why lie about it? Why tell all the school boards to teach that it is an eagle rather it is in fact a phoenix?

I don't think for a second that they mean the bald eagle although many in America certainly believe so and accept the bald eagle as their national symbol. Most already do in heart. But don't be confused when they say it's the same on the dollar bills or on the back of your coins. It's not even close.

“upon the Great Seal is but a conventionalized phoenix, a fact plainly discernible from an examination of the original seal.”

-Manly P. Hall


"The Star of David" as it is widely known as in today's day. But historical in biblical sense, David never had a star.

The 6 pointed star in and of itself is nothing but geometry, plain and simple. It has nothing to do with "Satan" that's what dark cultist use it for but they don't put the underlying meaning on it. The geometric shape speaks for itself.

Remember that math is discovered first in nature. It is nature. It comes from nature. By studying nature we discover math and thus understand the cosmos more so.

The Jewish religion adopting the 6 pointed star as their emblem doesn't change this.


If I could be Satan I would be the government. For all the government has dedicated itself to be is to cause a world that is worse than hell itself. For at least in the idea of hell, it is only those who truly deserve to be there because it's judgement is passed by God.

As for government however, their version of hell Includes the innocent of all life itself to be their their tools for abuse at all levels.


Here is the apse mosaic at Ss Cosma e Damiano

I chose this specific angle of the total art piece to show that small little bird located at the top left. Almost as Jesus himself is speaking of it:

Isaiah 14:12 , “How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!”

But have you noticed what bird that is? The morning star is the star symbolized above this Egyptian birds head.
Just as the 6 pointed star is symbolized above the phoenix On the dollar bill, so too above the Bennu Bird you find the star.


And for those who skipped the link above, the Benny Bird is the Egyptian version of the Phoenix bird. They both symbolize the regeneration cycle of life and death.

The plot thickens on the thighs of these birds legs.

That was to show you the similarities between the current version of regeneration symbol in the bird from Egypt to now on the dollar.

Yes, the dollars version there is what appears to be the eagles head, but the rest of the body is definitely phoenix.

Hmmm... Why the two mixed?

Are they discreetly trying to symbolize the double headed eagle?

From an old manuscript called the “Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians of the 16th and 17th Centuries” it depicts the two headed phoenix as the perfected man.

Which is a fancy way of saying a symbol for Janus the two headed man which January is named after. Happy new years by the way.

We have now the unification of two in one. A bald eagle and phoenix. Signifying a rise in consciousness in that land. However, being how perverted these cultist are, I doubt they mean a rise in anything positive for us all.

Rebis from Theoria Philosophiae Hermeticae (1617) by Heinrich Nollius:

Or maybe not.

As David Icke said in his book and the truth shall set you free

It is no good hurling hatred and condemnation at their direction for the ills of this world

Likewise I do not have any Ill intent by what has been demonstrated above. I'm not giving you reason to hate but to merely let you see that there is much more behind the surface of what they show us. And to get you to be intrigued and do further research.

Everything that the world is happening now is a reflection of us all inside.

We need a paradigm shift in consciousness yes but one in a positive way and not one that they are trying to implement on us all.

Have a good night and happy new years if you can.

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  ·  last month  ·   (edited)

2 votes

  ·  last month  ·  

Wow, this is very interesting, a lot of my beliefs are probably what others would also call "conspiracy theories" but I've never heard about the truth behind the star and the bald eagle.. This is the kind of knowledge that needs to be spread out, if people would just stop believing everything the media tells them and if platforms like Twitter, IG, Facebook, wouldn't censor everything. Unlike Blurt! 😉

  ·  last month  ·  

What you read was just micro scratches on the surface. I am please to see someone as young as you interested in the "occult"(which just means hidden). We are in the era of apocalypse which means, to reveal that which is hidden. As in, the end of lies. Truth speaks for itself and although it is slow to be recognized, recognized it will become.

Personally I don't use social media. Not FB, twitter, reddit, etc. Nothing mainstream.

On blurt I focus my attention on people who are creating positive things rather than selfie obsessed or posts woth pictures obsessed with their dinner plates. But rather art, book reviews, music, occult, knowledge etc.

There is a war against humanity, one that attacks information, spirit and our conscious or mind. If only more people read books we might not be in such a dire poor world. But alas, here is a whole library free for the world. What is real and what is not is up to you to discern at your leisure.

Thank you for stopping by.


  ·  last month  ·  

I completely agree. I am not that familiar with many stories of the Bible, but I do hear a lot about the Apocalypse, especially now, since it's what seems to be happening now in real life said by so many people (truthers, anarchists..) including my homeschool. ;)

It seems too good to be true anyway to just look something up and get the "perfect" answer from Wikipedia which is now also unfortunately being filled with lies about his-story. Now we just need to try and learn as much as possible from alternative sources and awake people on the internet during the Apocalypse.. the "unveiling".

What a time to be alive... 😂

  ·  2 months ago  ·  



I'll rest when I'm dead. Thank you for reposting!

"Home is eternity and existence is immortal"

  ·  2 months ago  ·  

Life is a case of Mind over matter

I dont mind if You don't Matter 🥓