Order out of Chaos

in nwo •  3 years ago 

This interesting post came up today on FB.

Good questions BUT they are all inside the box questions. Now more than ever we have to start thinking OUTSIDE the box because as we speak the box itself is being folded up and stashed away.

Many people are confused at recent developments and are scrabbling around for answers as to what it all might mean.
This kind of thing is being put out on mainstream media too.
Some see this as good news but for me this is half truths again and literally an upping of the fear factor. No-one is exposing the elephant in the room that the jabs are causing the 'variants' symptoms. When people are told there is no help against the 'viruses' panic will ensue. This is what they want.


What they appear to be doing is taking all hope away. Hope that their government can save you, hope that the men in white coats can save you, hope that the law will save you. They're knocking it all down, laying the people bare to any scary bogeyman that may come over the hills next.

THIS is why it has been so important to expose the whole virus lie and the germ theory lie. Fear is their number one weapon and that fear has been generated using something no-one can see or understand and now apparently even treat or guard against. If everyone took the trip to Oz and peeked behind the curtain their weapon would be useless as a chocolate teapot.

Time is running out tho and not enough people know their weapon is a lie. They have timed this perfectly actually. The deaths and symptoms from the jabs are becoming obvious so new variants are being dreamt up as their cover story timed with the failure of those same vaccines to protect and BINGO they will have a major panic when they roll out Marburg or Spars, the two next stars waiting in the wings.
Bill Gates even smirkingly told us the next one 'WILL get their attention' this time'.

So what is the bigger picture plan being implimented here? It's already been spelled out for you over and over. The Great Reset or The Fourth Industrial Revolution. The New World Order, a one world religion and a one world government is the plan.

To achieve this all the old systems have to come down first. That means the medical system, the legal system, the monetary system, the religious system and the political system.
This is going to be very painful for many people who have become so dependent on all those systems and for those who hate change (which is most people).


The one system which will not change or be dismantled is the top down pyramid system of 'ruling elites' who have always ruled behind the scenes (that missing capstone on the pyramid) will still rule but maybe the capstone will be replaced for us all to see who has been running this show the whole time.


The word apocalypse does not mean what most people think it means. It actually means 'unveiling' or "something viewed as a prophetic revelation"
So Taadaaaahhh like a magician waving his hanky the truth will be revealed that the same people who used to rule over us in the feudal system of old will be again sitting on their thrones in the new One World Government. Remember 'you will own nothing' because they own it all. Look up 'feudal system' to see what's in store.


You may have noticed, the worst affected countries so far are all ex commonwealth like Canada and Australia. Is it a massive jump to believe they want those countries back under the wing of the UK first?
Remember the old maps of the pink countries all 'owned' by Great Britain? You don't see that much any more...


I'm hedging my bet that the UK is to be where the one world government is to be set up maybe starting with the old empire countries coming back to the fold. This would explain the ridiculous tyranny occuring in these places now and the seemingly benevolent UK treatment of it's people. How quaint.


When all is revealed who do you think the great 'ruler' will be in the New World Order? Could it be Prince William? He's already been singled out as the 'anti-christ'. It's always been about the bloodlines of the old original rulers. Remember all those posts about presidents and Prime Ministers all being related to royalty? It all starts to make sense now. How far it goes back is not as clear, at least we know it goes back to ancient Egypt, some speculate it goes back to Adam and Eve. My guess is we're about to find out.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

cleanse the transmitters

both the hardware and meatware

before they blame the pure for the deaths of the prickd

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Take the opp to stop the op!

We shall see what happens in other countries - this is by no means global.
If I was them, I'd be smug about having prickd so many millions of gullibles, now I can wait for each timer to go off, then come back and blame the virus again - we were too soft, too compassionate, look what happened, plandemic2.
Meanwhile, let's turn our attention back to poverty and the klimate skam.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Oh yeah, and turn up the EMF - humans are so fuckin dumb they still think it's to help them stream the latest predictive programming action movie. lmfao. And VR, what better place to hide than up your arse - or in your mind - kinda similar. More EMF pulses - direct to brain - marvelous - won't even need that black mirror or a TV - direct to brain compliance. smart.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I wish I could watch a film faster.

I hear they're doing just that in France

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

cleansing the transmitters or blaming the pure?

I very much agree that Britain has a pivotal role to play within this new system - the first step was the construction of a global governance structure that seeks uniformity through the use of red tape , protocols and procedures that penalise and demonise any country (corporate or business entity) that attempts to operate outside of them. From this perspective, the facade of governmental power has already been quietly usurped by the mandates of one-world governance. The financial aspects of which appear to be centralised around the the City of London.

yes the three centres of control were set up long ago, city of London, Vatican City and Washington DC all corporations. https://sagaciousnewsnetwork.net/3-corporations-run-the-world-city-of-london-washington-dc-and-vatican-city/

Yes very true - I have spent a great deal of time looking into that aspect. :)

Yes it seems like all the stuff I was looking at over the last 10 years or more are suddenly coming together and making sense now. All seperate issues researched by different people are becoming relevant to all the other things that we've been treating as seperate issues all culminating.

Yes you're on the money with that comment. To me, the system feeds upon corruption - it needs corruption in order that we do this to ourselves and that they remain at arm's length from any form of natural law.

The lower level corruption that operates the pulls and levers at the heart of the banking system, will view it differently to the scientifically corrupt that energise the narratives of scientism, or the spiritually corrupt that infiltrate the governance structures of religion - but ultimately all self-serving agenda's are being shepherded towards the same nexus point. People's propensity for greed, lust, and power - have been weaponised and used against us all.

Whilst there is a hand guiding it all to a premeditated conclusion - in a very real sense, this is us against ourselves - both within and without. Indeed, as smart and as cunning as they may think they are - there are none more deceived than those who would deceive.

wow that's so profound.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Waiting to see who this so called great ruler turns out to be.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

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