Avoiding sin is the greatest jihad.

in null •  4 months ago 

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Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi barakatuhu.

Dear friends, I don't know how you are doing, but I can only hope that Almighty Allah is very good and healthy in our prayers. We are also very well and healthy by the grace of God.

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Another name for surviving sin is the greatest jihad
We are sent to this world for testing by Almighty Allah. And His commands and prohibitions are revealed to us with the help of the Asmani Kitab and through the biography of our beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad SAW.

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We live in this world, we have to go to various places like Hat-Bazar, Office, Court, Tourist Center, etc. for various reasons. As we live in family. If the women under our family are not veiled, even if they are not kept in Padma, then the sin that she commits will also be on my shoulders. So it is absolutely necessary to provide veil for our subordinate women. In addition, there are many sinful actions that we can do that we must refrain from completely. My success is whenever I can refrain from sin.

After that it is very important to maintain our non-social relationship ie blood relationship. There are many people around us who push away the blood relation of father and mother etc. Pushing away causes us to commit many sins that cannot be forgiven. Therefore, we must keep a close relationship with our blood relations in order to remain free from sin. For any reason, these relationships should not be broken.

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Then our brother-in-law who will get the property should convey his property to him as soon as possible whenever he is the owner with great interest. In our society it is seen that the property of Bandh, the property of brother-in-law, the property of brothers and sisters, no one wants to give away easily, they get something to embezzle, they continue to embezzle. As a result of this, we tend to commit major sins, so we must be very careful not to embezzle any kind of property from anyone.

In addition, prayer should be established in the family. If someone is not praying and is indifferent towards prayer, then he should be explained to him and the importance of prayer should be explained to him and even pressured to pray. Because if someone in the family does not pray and is indifferent to his prayer, then there will be a great sin and someone will fall in the light of Almighty Allah. So we have to be careful about prayer, we have to pay attention to prayer.

Let us shun sin in every aspect of life and jump into the work of goods. Only then will our present life be happy, prosperous and successful.

As of today, I am ending here, later I will appear before you with some new words, Allahafez.

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