Physical health is a great blessing of Allah.

in null •  4 months ago 

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Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim.
Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Barakatuhu.
Dear Friends,
I hope you are very well and healthy, I am also very well and healthy by the grace of God. Today I would like to highlight some things about physical health being the greatest blessing of Allah Ta'ala. Welcome to this post and congratulations to all of you.

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Almighty Allah has sent us to the world to worship Him. Almighty Allah also says that I will test every servant with hunger, fear, poverty, physical illness, etc. However, the deeper the faith, the greater the test. That is, whoever has the ability to give the test of faith, the Almighty Allah tests him to that extent.

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Therefore, we should continue our journey on earth by thanking the Almighty Allah for every blessing. If we are not thankful for something, then Allah Ta'ala will take away that blessing from us and arrest us with severe punishment. That is why we should always avoid violence, arrogance, arrogance, showmanship, etc. in every walk of our life and think that I am the weakest of all. One should think more virtuous than all. We are constantly indulging in sin and must always cry out to God for our past sins.

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For any reason, even if Allah Ta'ala gives us any physical illness, sickness, etc., we should not be displeased with it and we should consider it as a test of Allah Ta'ala and be satisfied with it and try to deal with it happily. We usually cry when we face any danger ie physical illness and say why is this happening to me why is this happening to me what have I done wrong to Almighty Allah etc. etc. They are not correct at all. Maybe because it's my test. I have to be happy and agree with Allah in whatever condition I am placed in because Almighty Allah knows when and how to keep me. And in this physical illness, Allah the Exalted must have kept or kept some good for us.

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So let us not be upset due to physical illness accidents etc. and be content with it and pray to Almighty Allah for speedy recovery. Because Allah is the owner of sickness and Allah is also the owner of health. No one but Allah can give sickness or heal.

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May Almighty Allah grant us physical health, keep us healthy and heal us from all illnesses, I am ending here as today, Allahumma Ameen.

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