NPTT Journal Episode 9 - Profile me for dating, I am from a New Paradigm

in npttjournal •  2 years ago  (edited)


We sure are experiencing quite some changes lately. Which is really a good thing considering we reached a tipping point and it really had to change for the better. As above so below. For humanity and its members. We individually experience our just portion of it all. I see it as a resulting testimony of our new inner vibrations, bringing a New Paradigm in Manifestation.

I sure tasted the awful experience of separation in taking action quitting the old paradigm. Long term family and friend relationships broken. In becoming the living testimony of our highest truths, we have an opportunity to fine tune our relationships in making sure we vibrate attuned with those we spend time with. To be with people that catalyze our growth and for whom our expression of quality is never too much.

Manifesting quality female companionship is an Art of Attraction. For I want and choose to be ME! With all my might! I am done with levelling down to find harmonious match. Please help me Level Up!

I allow synchronicity to guide me through the gaze of a Goddess to BECOME an higher expression of myself under the guidance of her skillful craft. I learned that one do not find in searching but in Knowing that there is nothing to find in the first place. All is a craft for the Manifestation with Synchronicity.

Life gave me a 22 years+9months experience learning that Physical Attraction can be quite a distraction in one’s Life Path. Better be with Resonance with the Higher Realms first. I now call the Godesses in Resonance. 🤗

We are here to Manifest Reality with our Sphere of Influence, fuelled by True Righteousness. Standing Right with Inner Truth, Let’s Co-Create our wildest dreams. Sovereigns in the NOW, vibrating for Higher Resonance. We may hold long enough for constructive interferences. Which is good as we have a new World to build for the New Paradigm. We navigate freely in it until one choose to bound in contract.

All is contracts…

I been navigating single for now 9 months and met one friend with whom I got entangled with. She is not yet in this New Paradigm and here is my text to her this morning. This is to show Transparently who I am. That I navigate uncharted waters with dating and that I can set terms and conditions in my relationships.
Again, thank you [BLOCK] for giving me opportunities for experiencing my Life challenges in a safe environment. By that I mean, you give me opportunities to become a new version of me and to Testify to the Universe of my Becoming, more and more tune with my inner truth.

Here again a deep sharing of my truth to you... Please hear me. As a Sovereign like you, I am responsible to bring me what I want, just as much as what I don't want.

Being with the stop and correct spirit, I sure want to cut my leaks, chains and the don't wants. Transmute that for something good in the want.

I am with the wrong when offering the best of me/my energy to you or anyone that do not testify of a genuine interest toward me in the first place, and resonance in Quality of the Vibe at stake.

Just like giving money/food to someone that don't want it in the first place. Like if the quality of the receiving do not match the quality of the giving, there should not even be an offering in the first place.

This is where I been with the wrong. I offered myself in the wrong conditions. I am fine tuning my navigation as I explore these waters.

In wanting human contact so much, I been with the wrong in my approach for it. Offering the gift of me by default, when I have conditions.

This is where I thank you for giving me safe environment for experiencing and growing.

A continuous process.

I am hurrying up slowly. [Gratitude to Devine Providence for her Patience with me.]

Time for me to apply Knowledge. Focus vs distraction. This applies to so many levels…

Let’s Focus for Now on Human Contact.

I have human needs and want safe quality environment with friend to ground those needs to satisfaction.

Let it be stated that those aren’t needs really as one can self suffice. There is Health in Human Contact. I am open for it.

As time is precious, I can't allow get distracted by being with the wrong, 😑 wasting time and energy. So I don't want to be with the wrong. And I am responsible to not be with the wrong…

So to make things right and clear:

I want Sexuality in my Life for Healing.

For it to be useful, it has to be balanced. Balance is not only in giving but also allowing to receive just the same, in an harmonious way. All is Vibration. Something is off balance and I am attempting to rectify the situation as I am with the stop and correct spirit.

Let’s Focus on the Creative Healing.

When in sexual act, when Love of the Selfs is Experienced in the Present Moment, there is no limit to Manifestation/Healing/Creation.

Sovereigns Co-Creating, without chains.

I want to experience that and I am bringing this to my Life. To Experiment with it. And Co-Create something good.

Such a gift of me should only be received by a resonating partner. Testifying of her genuine volition in actively embodying a take over of the gift, when Time comes.

I have plenty time for that and all that comes with it.

All esle is distraction to me.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That is nice to level up , to think about , to write about it , sometimes reality is different because we are made of so many scattered mirrors .
I wish you well , at 22 years old and with your new love .

Posted from

Thank you @opidia. Hope you are well in your Love Life.

For clarity, I am 37 and been in a 22 years relationship, been single now for the past 9months. The message to my friend was my polite way out from around her, unless she would level up and come to me. It was my stand saying the Gift of me comes to the ones who resonate with the Quality of me. It was not the case not so long ago. In a sense it is me testifying to myself, the blockchain and the universe of my levelling up.

So far I get that all is Magnetic!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes all is magnetic but somehow everything we do or chose is unconscious
Even though we feel it conscious , somehow God has his way to transform us the way it should be for a higher vibration , a better version of our code .
36 was indeed a HUGE cycle , i wish you the best ♥️

Posted from

I have to say, I love that T-Shirt !

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The guy is PRACTICALLY a Think Tank 😎

Now video/online Dating I See 🥓


Find a way to communicate me safely your address and I send you one shirt, never worn but printed in 2008. You get the story behind the shirt, so you can wear it proudly too.

I have a suitcase half-full left of shirts to distribute to those who Embody the Spirit like you.


  ·  2 years ago  ·  


Level up!

Do it 🥓

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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