NPTT Journal Episode 4 - For the Fantastic Plasticity of our Matrix Reality

in npttjournal •  3 years ago 

If the world around you seems hard to fix, may I suggest you apply efforts at another degree for more efficiency! You cut cold butter easier with hot knives, Right!? By the same principle, you play with your reality easier by knowing where and how to apply the little pressure you need for the greater results.

Don’t go fight the elements. They are rigid like mathematical rules. Play the game of Energies in Motion, with its quality, your causal thought process can go through a hard Matrix like a knife in Butter. It is all about Vibration again… Higher/Hotter/Easier.

Raise the Vibe! Try with Love of the Self, then bring someone else! For Humanity!

For there are causes behind Reality and they converges in the subtle realms of thoughts. Never forget the Responsibility of the Self for such quality input in the co-creation soup. Like egregores, your ideas can be charged with an energy of manifestation. Like wheels within wheels, each actions big or small contributes mathematically to the gear work, to bring events.

For the Power of Freewill is with You, you are with Endo-Causal-Freedom. 👍😎

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

mmm... I said this to someone yday. Different words, but same idea.
It suddenly dawned on her... she burst into tears!!
Sanitary Engineering ;-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

If enough of us imagine something, the thing takes form. We have seen this very clearly the last two years, but that imagining was imagined for us and rammed down our throats. Let us counter with an imagining of love, joy and peace, forces that cannot be stopped if enough of us embody them.

I had to look up egregore

An egregore (pronounced egg’ gree gore) is a group thought-form. It can be created either intentionally or unintentionally, and becomes an autonomous entity with the power to influence. A group with a common purpose like a family, a club, a political party, a church, or a country can create an egregore, for better or worse (emphasis mine) depending upon the type of thought that created it.

Do not take instructions from the same source that is now instructing nearly all of the world's leaders, Biden and Putin and BoJo and Merckel and Xi etc. We must think and feel for ourselves. We do not need them. Out of mind, out of sight, out of world.

For I concur 👍😎