Nostr is a great place to tell people about Blurt. 🤬 … 👾

in nostr •  last year  (edited)

Lots of Buzz about Nostr these days…. 👾

Especially with the ongoing mess at Twitter and Reddit.

Nostr is similar to Twitter but there are no limits, restrictions or Censorship. Plus you earn Bitcoin tips on your Nostr posts.

I signed up with the Plebstr App for iOS and the GetAlby Wallet to receive Satoshi tips and have earned over 30,000 Satoshi in 2 weeks.

I’m surprised how many people over there, about 500,000 have never heard of ? So I think I am going to share some Blurt posts over there to peak their interest.

Are you on Nostr ? See you there …

Plebstr : Https://

GetAlby : Https://





See you over there …. npub1rcksspnnl9v6tkpr2l2792jsz9mc4a35cvlyyp7v2nnal9pu0xxqt9gckg


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Nice. #zap


  ·  last year  ·  

Oh, this is great!

  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

See you over there.



  ·  last year  ·  

I think I'll stick with Threads. Only time for so many platforms...

  ·  last year  ·  

Zuckerberg Instagram Threads or Leofinance Threads. 🧵 ??? So many threads …