Cheap nodes for small investors

in nodes •  3 years ago 

Cheap nodes.jpg

Online nodes without hardware requirement are very popular investments. They really functioned like staking platforms but many are still considered high risk investment.

I had just investment in some cheap nodes yesterday and you can do your further research to see whether they suit you.

I had put in small amount for the nodes from different providers. By not putting all the eggs into one basket, we have a higher chance of getting a golden egg.

Invest with what we can afford to lose and take it as a bet to see whether one of those investments can hit a jackpot for a nice profit. By making a small investment, it will not make a big hole in our pocket if the project eventually fails.

Only $0.29 per node from Louverture Finance

It only takes 100 $LVT token to start a node at Louverture Finance on Avalanche Network. Each $LVT token only cost about $0.0029. That would mean it will only cost us about $0.29 for each node.

With many node provides come and go, Louverture has been around since last year December and it is still around.

It is currently given 15% LVT per node for each month. Since it is so cheap, I bought a total of 28 500 LVT tokens and staked them into its system. Since it has a compound option so I would probably do a compound for a greater future profit.

This is really a small investment that is less than a hundred dollar for me so losing a hundred dollar if it does not work well would not really hurt me too much.

Find out more from the link below about Louverture Finance.

$22.1 per node from Magia

From the few nodes that I had invested yesterday, Magia node gives the highest reward of 3% daily payout.

Magia token is currently at the price of $2.21. We need 10 Magia tokens to get one node.

I bought a total of 140 Magia token. I spent around $300 on this platform.

It runs on the Avalanche Network.

Find out more from the link below.

$33.9 per node from Vaporfi

Vaporfi runs on the Avalanche Network like Louverture Finance.

It gives 1% Daily ROI for its reward. Each VPND token cost $0.03385 and it costs 1 000 VPND to get one node.

We need to click on the VPND button on the top right-hand corner to get the token from Trader Joe.

I bought 3000 VPND so it cost me about a hundred dollar. It was another small investment with daily reward.

Visit the link below to find out more about the nodes from Vaporfi.

$38 per node from Prometheus

We can get a node from Prometheus by staking 1 $PHI token(about $38) under its most basic Apollo plan on the Binance Smart Chain. It gives about 1 % daily payout.

If the price of $PHI goes up, the sell tax goes down. If the price of $PHI goes down, the sell tax goes up to 50% maximum. The sell taxes will be injected into the treasury.

It has a system to prevent short-term investors so that whales would be penalized by earning less when they do not invest long term.

It has completed its audit with Pegasy Cybersecurity and competed its 3rd Party KYC by Assure.

Visit the link below to find out more about Prometheus if it interests you.

All investments have risk so we should not invest more than we can afford. By putting in small investment in different platforms, it does give me a higher chance to hit a golden jackpot.

If any of the nodes can have a sudden pump in price, it may just give me a nice future income. That is really a nice dream.

You can read about my other small investments from my past articles.

Disclaimer: This is my personal reflection and I am not in any position to instruct anyone what they should do. I am not responsible for any action taken as a result of this post. My post can only be a reference for your further research and growth.

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