Ninja's Myth and reality

in ninja •  2 years ago 



Ninjas were people who lived in Japan a long time ago and were known for being really sneaky and quick. They wore special clothes called "shinobi shozoku" that were designed to help them move quietly and blend in with their surroundings.

Ninjas were famous for their ability to use weapons like swords, daggers, and throwing stars, but they also had other skills like climbing, jumping, and swimming. They were really good at hiding and could even disappear in plain sight!

Ninjas were often hired by rich people to help them protect their homes and families. They would sneak into the enemy's territory, gather information, and sabotage their plans. They were really good at getting in and out without being noticed.

Ninjas were also known for being very disciplined and trained in martial arts like karate and judo. They would practice every day to get better at their skills and become stronger.

History and Facts about Ninja's



The word "ninja" comes from the Japanese characters "nin" (meaning "stealth") and "ja" (meaning "person"). So a ninja is literally a "stealth person"!

Ninjas were originally farmers or commoners who lived in rural areas of Japan. They were trained in the art of ninjutsu (the "way of the ninja") by older, more experienced ninjas.

Ninjas were often portrayed in popular culture as wearing all black, but this wasn't actually the case. They would wear whatever clothes were appropriate for their mission - sometimes this meant wearing all black, but other times it might mean dressing as a beggar or a monk to blend in.

Ninjas were often associated with espionage and assassination, but they were also skilled at other tasks like medicine, poisons, and explosives. They were essentially the "special forces" of their time.



Because ninjas were so secretive and relied on their skills of deception and disguise, it's hard to know exactly how many there were or what their lives were really like. Much of what we know about ninjas comes from folklore and legend.

Despite their fearsome reputation, ninjas were also known for their loyalty to their employers and their sense of honor. They followed a strict code of ethics known as "ninpo" that emphasized self-control, compassion, and a commitment to justice.


Although we don't have ninjas today, we can still learn a lot from their skills and values. They remind us of the importance of being disciplined, staying focused, and using our creativity and intelligence to solve problems.


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