How One Company Destroyed An Entire Country: Shell and Nigeria

in nigeria •  2 years ago 

If you have read Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, this video will not be surprising.
What may be surprising is the depth of the corporate takeover of a state.
This looks a lot like the East India Company - both of them!
Perhaps not surprising that Shell rose from a company known as the Royal Dutch Company for the Exploitation of Petroleum Wells in the Dutch East Indies.
Dutch control of what is now Indonesia only ceased after WW2.

A small side-issue here is that there is no "climate crisis", there is rampant corporate pollution and environmental degradation, designed to spread misery and disease and thereby increase profits and control further through their pharmaceutical partners in crime.

Not sure if any of our Nigerian members wish to comment on the reality of the video.

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Shell has done more harm than good to Nigeria
And the government is full of fraudsters

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I think this shouldn't be limited to Nigeria alone but Africa as a whole. There are lots of untapped potential in the African continent and the non African world habitants keep coming up with things to get into Africa for their benefits.

Look at Congo, or central Africa to east Africa to then horn of Africa to North down to southern Africa to west Africa. Why is it that the entire world will not let Africa be but frame things to extort from Africans.

I've worked this video several times and other related videos to other African nations.

However, the biggest problem is even Africans. Should I say illiteracy or lost for money and poverty.

So sad.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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