Look 👀 at the crazy fees to buy an NFT on LooksRare.org

in nft •  2 years ago  (edited)

I thought I’d go take a look at some of the new NFTs trading on LooksRare.org

LooksRare : https://looksrare.org/

I went to take a look ….

LooksRare is the new big competition for OpenSea.

Supposedly the Fees are much lower to buy or mint NFTs there.

Many of the NFTs start at .1 Ethereum….

So $400 starting price…

Some are a lot more … like this Doodle for $5,000,000

Looks expensive !!!



To test It out I sent $20 of ETH to my Metamask wallet on LooksRare.

There was a $10 fee for that.

Ouch !

Next I needed to convert my Eth to Weth (wrapped Ethereum) there was a $34 Fee for that.

Hmm. Looks fishy …


Hmmm… lots and lots and lots of fees.

I thought maybe I will just buy some of the new LOOKs token and stake to earn 800% APR …

The Cost to do that ? Only $236 ??? Looks crazy !



I’ll just share my Artwork here on Blurt, Dtube, and VYBrainium.

I guess I’m not ready for NFTs yet.

Maybe next year.

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I don't quite understand this NFT thing at all bbut I do know a young man who can do digital art that would knock the socks of that shit. Now how to get him into it...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Well … the costs to send Ethereum over to this place, convert to WETH etc etc mint an NFT are ridiculous… he would need a few Ethereum ($4,000) just to get started … this is for the already rich. Is he already rich ?

no he is a student and son of a single mom.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I did what I call ENFs on STEEM/HIVE
My way of saying my work was good ENOUGH...
Long since forget what the acronym stood for.


Yep 👍 this block is like 6 times simpler than NFTs through the ETH-verse 👏😎🥓

Ethereum is currently not usable

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

With fees like that, I wouldn’t bother, either.